Fast Advance never hurt anybody... Or did it?


I feel like this is a build with a lot of potential. Reconstruction Contract is an absolutely amazing fast advance tool, and scoring high-point agendas out of hand is child's play. Ablating their hand with BoN's ability can be impactful and fuels your Contract(s), Breached Dome is the new Shock! and is worth it even if you don't have a rezzed Reconstruction Contract when it's accessed. Dedication Ceremony and Trick of Light win games.

Obvious potential flaws/flex slots:

Space Camp probably doesn't need to be there, but I like it, and this deck always has places to put free advancement tokens. GRNDL Refinery might not be strictly necessary either, but it can be taxing for the runner by baiting runs or it can make you big piles of , so I feel like it has value.

It's not so fun to pilot that it's supplanted Jemison as my favorite Corp ID, but it's been a blast so far, and I think it has the potential to be really good. Comments and suggestions encouraged!