The Necromancer (Deckbuilding Derezzed - Ep 3)

CodeMarvelous 20027

Episode Three! Now with more runners!

This deck is called The Necromancer and it focuses on putting everything that the corp wants in the grave.

Detailed video description and piloting tips:

This list is borrowed heavily from my NetrunnerDB buddy x3r0h0ur

you can find his lists here:

Happy Running,


16 Mar 2015 igelo

really love the theme of the deck, and i've made some personal adjustments on the deck, -3 lucky find, -3 tri maf contacts, -1 same old thing, -1 zu key master, +3 Magnum Opus , +3 Déjà Vu +1 Gordian Blade +1 Vamp

with spinal modem and mem strips, i think you won't be having any mem issues and mopus will give you that long term economy that the deck needs.

added deja vu just in case you want to recur any card that has been trashed due to net or meat damage and more click friendly than same old thing (just have to pay the extra credits though).

16 Mar 2015 igelo

i forgot to mention that i have removed kati jones (due to mopus) and added 1 vamp and 1 clone chip for the spare influence. clone chip will be very awesome in this deck to recur cuj.0 and d4v1d when needed.

16 Mar 2015 Linger

@igelo nice replacements but I am thinking magnum will slow down a slow deck ...

16 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

I had opus in my original more vampy variant, it was kind of lackluster. Extra MU to be drawn in the correct sequence is very meh. Just take the 3 inf and use tri-maf, there is basically no downside.

I think 3 deja is overkill, two at the very most. And djinn doesn't work from your heap so...?

I actually removed kati from my version, because of all the clicks. going opus alone would be very click intensive, and having kati + opus would be too much.

16 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

This deck has been working very well but it is difficult to pilot, similar to the run noise decks that don't run earthrise or wyldside, where its all about making the right pressure choice for the particular turn.

16 Mar 2015 moistloaf

A question I will ask til the end of time: why Tri Maf over Armitage?

16 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

@moistloaf Because i want econ forever and because if im gonna get tagged and dont clear im probably gonna die anyway.

16 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

The one extra to install is made up for when you don't have to install a second armitage. Also, you rarely need to click more than once, especially if you have 2 in play.

Armitage requires additional clicks and time to find once it's burnt up. Also, the amount of money is visible to the corp, so they can see when you will run out and anticipate it.

With Tri-Maf, they just have to cope with the fact that it won't run out.

18 Mar 2015 moistloaf

Guess I'd have to try it, but this deck is very slim on economy, I reckon there are plenty of scenarios when you would want more than 2c/turn.

18 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

@moistloaf I frequently have 2 of them installed so im getting 4c a turn

18 Mar 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Any way to squeeze a Hades Shard in there?