Blue Sun, Black Hole v2

Shockeh 751

Version 1 Changelog:

Disclaimer: Generated this deck because our local group decided to randomly generate one card per player they had to make a deck around. I rolled Space Camp, so here I go...

Initial Concept for maximising the use of Space Camp in Blue Sun as a variant on Shock!. Support from the Constellation ICE because it plays so nicely with Blue Sun, if I get to call any of it back to hand it's just easy money.

Wormhole and Susanoo-No-Mikoto are used to push Runners into Archives, which is where every Space Camp will be dumped as quickly as possible. Architect is purely a personal choice; I think it's a much stronger ICE than it's given credit for.

Usual obsession by me with using 3x wherever possible because of history with other card games (V:TES, mainly) being around making the smallest deck with the most repetition possible to ensure a reliable mechanism.

Purely a trial at this stage, as yet unplayed, and happy to receive feedback.

Version 2 Changelog:

Removed 1 Susanoo-No-Mikoto - Dummy, that card is Unique! Also, it gave me 3 Influence for Jackson Howard.

Removed 1 Orion - Just a smidge too much ICE, and made room for Economy.

Removed 3 Commercialization - Unlikely to get more tokens on any given ICE than I'd get from Beanstalks, which makes them more reliable.

Added 2 Shipment from Kaguya - Just a test; It was a toss-up between Shipment (Faster/Cheaper Constellation) or Amazon Industrial Zone (For Architect powered ICE installs)

// Author Note: I kept to Blue Sun because despite not being that useful for this deck as an ID none of the Weyland ID's actually make that much of a difference either, so even the potential gain from being able to Constellation Protocol some tokens off an ICE before Blue Sun munches it makes it worthwhile.