AniKen SkyRunner

StackVandal 17

Worst part about criminals is not enough draw. I think cards like The Class Act or neutral cards like Earthrise Hotel and Verbal Plasticity are slow and/or expensive. My solution? Aniccam!

As usual for a Ken deck, this deck works on little money due to Prepaid VoicePAD and Cezve as well as easy inexpensive ways to get around ice with Boomerang and run events. However I did decide that having money is always beneficial so I put in some Daily Casts after tweaking my deck a lot. I also save money to trash things with Miss Bones which also charges The Twinning!

I was used to having bad draw in other Ken decks, so I would have multiple copies of my icebreakers. After taking Aniccam, I debated keeping multiple copies, but because a lot of corps are still doing a lot of meat/net damage, I kept them in.

I decided to spend influence on Unity because I wasn’t happy with other decoders I tried before, and as a further precaution I put in a Hush for some nasty ice.

I’m hoping that this Ken is a bit of Ken of all trades and has a solution for most problems. Early game is still where Ken usually thrives but I’m hoping he can keep the pressure on with enough luck. S-Dobrado at threat 4 can bypass two pieces of ice, and combined with multi-access cards like WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ and The Twinning could pull off a spicy victory.

3 Mar 2024 Dzerards

Nice, needs some Reprise for meme wins though!

3 Mar 2024 StackVandal

Haha good idea!