ZeRO° Frontiers aka. ICEless Madness

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eXister 49

This deck ISNT JOKE - win 3-1

It dont die to syphon, just to combo wombo of Syphon+Vamp RD Interface dont kill that also - just clear way for safe AD play

Beanstalk, Green LVL - keep it last, Syphon+Vamp are worst enemy, Beanstalk help to recover fast and Scorch back

Hedge, Restructure, Blue LVL and Tips - must be played ASAP to gain control of deck and money

Trial - emergency button for Nerve and Medium, they also can be a nightmare

Reclamation - usualy take Blue LVL or Restructure back to HQ

Biotic - help to make kill in one turn when extra clicks are needed

Archived - use ONLY for Scorch or PC for double it

AD - play only when you have at least 10 credits, to not miss Restructure, good to play aft runner score agenda and no PC at hand

Private Contract - install ASAP, rez in case of low money or Syphon attack

30 Apr 2014 pants on head

Why NAPD Contract? When isn't the runner going to have the credits since you play no ICE? I feel like those could be Efficiencies. With one efficiency scored, you can easily play a combination of 4-odd scorches and PCs, which should win you the game.

30 Apr 2014 eXister

I tryed Efficiency, had same thoughts like you, but EC so easy to steal, just grab - thats it. But NAPD save me so many times - runner get accses but cant steal from RD or HQ, its more easy to score also. Its tax runner, what is good for SEA and PC, and this worked much more better for me. EC must to be scored to work for me, otherwise scoring 2pntr is against my plans, NAPD work at any time ;)

30 Apr 2014 eXister

Easy to score for corp i mean..

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