This is bad and I should feel bad

Shiiuga 1266

More SovSight nonsense.

CI is obviously the king of wombo combos so here's another one that should enable you to score 3 points out of hand in a turn, with some set up the turn before.

On the turn before the combo you will want to have set up a server with Breaker Bay Grid, 2x Bioroid Work Crew and preferably some ice defending it.

Next turn you do the following: Click 1: Biotic Labor PAID ABILITY WINDOW: Rez BBG, both BWC. Fire one BWC to install Elective Upgrade, fire the other BWC to install Calibration Testing. Rez and fire the CalTest to place an advancement on Elective Upgrade. Click 2-5: Advance 4 times.

So for 8c you can score a 5/3 out of hand in one turn. From there you can use your extra Elective clicks to score two Project Vitruvius for the win or cycle enough cards back with Whampoa Reclamation that you can use a combination of Elective clicks, Jeeves Model Bioroids clicks and Biotic to score another Elective or the [Ikawah Project]s(/en/card/21010) and repeat.

This is untested and is probably suboptimal compared to other CI combos but it seems like it might be a fun, and relatively uncomplicated one to try.

3 Jan 2018 znsolomon

I'm sorry, it looks like a fun combo, but I just don't see how you're gonna be able to defend 2 remotes at the same time to set up before the combo turn. People get really antsy about remotes vs CI and with no stinson threat you can't punish them running and trashing everything you put out.

3 Jan 2018 Shiiuga

Yeah that's valid. There's the possibility of combining it with Jinja Grid when that comes out to do a UVC/Jinja combo and build a big server to hide stuff in.