Stimmed, Flying Chameleons! V3

ycombinator 795

Flying, Stimmed Chameleons, V3

First note, that the Creepers are actually Chameleons. NRDB doesn't have them yet (even though they're in draft packs).

  • Strength 3, costs two s.
  • "When you install Chameleon, name sentry, code-gate, or barrier. Add Chameleon to your grip when your turn ends."
  • "1 : break a subroutine of the named subtype."

Please see for the writeup of the detailed idea.


  1. LLDS Processor pumps up their strength, as does Datasucker and Dinosaurus.
  2. Playing them out should be relatively cheap as Cybsoft MacroDrive should pay for most of their cost.
  3. They can be played onto Omni-Drive which enables the use of the .


  • Hayley + low cost HW (Clone Chip, Akamatsu Mem Chip, LLDS Processor, Cybsoft MacroDrive, Replicator). Replicator lets us avoid drawing the second piece of HW to use Hayley's ability. Cheap hardware makes this viable along with Magnum Opus.
  • Hayley + Self-modifying Code and Clone Chip. Each of these cards use a single , to yield two additional s. For example: to play Clone Chip + free Hayley to install hardware (+1 ). Use Clone Chip to install a program, and use Hayley to install another program (cumulative +2 s). Note that this second action can be performed on the corp turn, and because Hayley triggers per turn, it can be combined with the use of her ability during your turn.
  • Hayley + Savoir-faire + Omni-Drive. Now you can install programs without using a ! This means two free s to install programs without spending any. However, SF costs two s which in an Magnum Opus economy == a . So, put the Savoir-faire on an Omni-Drive, and it now costs only a single to use. Result: install two programs for half a . Mass program installation, at instant speed!
  • Mass program installation (previous bullet) + Chameleons + LLDS Processor + Dinosaurus + Datasucker. What will we use this mass program installation capability to do? Even drawing enough to support that rate of installation is difficult. Solution: use a breaker that can be quite efficient, and requires repetitive installation -- Chameleon!!!
  • Chameleon + Cybsoft MacroDrive. We can't afford to pay for the Chameleons flying down each turn, so we need s for program installation. Memory is too constrained for Sahasrara, and we have Replicators, thus Cybsoft MacroDrives.

Changes from the previous version (see "derived from")

  • Added the Corroder. Realistically, the corp can build servers with more than 2 layers of ice before you get the engine going. Thus, I added this breaker as an efficient breaker of a specific type. The Chameleons will take care of the rest.
  • Added Parasites and Clone Chips. This deck likes cheap hardware. Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar likes cheap installs so that there is less build-up before installation. Clone Chips help there. As we have a significant focus on Datasuckers, and can't deal as well with deep servers, Parasites fit well. They synergize well with the Clone Chips as well.
  • Removed Public Sympathy. @homeiss made the great point that you can order the discarding and the reintroduction of the Chameleons into your hand. Thus, the Chameleons give you scorched protection without needing hand size increase cards.
  • Removed Personal Workshop. This was there to help pay for the hardware. However, orchestrating it with Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholars ability can be difficult (thanks @krystman). If you're good at this, then perhaps they should go back in. I included Modded instead as it is easier to use.
  • Removed Quality Time and added Symmetrical Visage. Without the hand-size increase, QT is unwieldy. SV enables sustained draw that also gives you s.
  • Added Escher. I know most people don't like this card. I think it is one of the most fun cards out there (for the runner, mind you, not the corp ;-)). It works well in this deck as you can stack the servers to each include only one or two types of ice.
  • Added Akamatsu Mem Chip. Again, Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar likes cheap installs. This combos well with Replicator, and adds some needed memory, as pointed out by @krystman.
  • The deck is 46 cards. Calimsha made this hipster, and we're jumping on the hipster bandwagon (a self-ironic statement, which increases its Hipster cred).


  • Is this deck built around a 5 card combo?

    Yes. Yes it is. This certainly dooms it to never being competitive. However, it does present an interesting challenge: How can you build the deck so that it can "scale up". That is, it has a base level of efficiency when missing some combo pieces, and accumulating more of those combo pieces simply increases the efficiency. This is a "weak" form of a combo -- one in which all of the moving pieces aren't required to be able to get value. Given the build up to achieve maximum efficiency, this will fair better against glacier decks.

  • Is this deck competitive?

    I cannot imagine it is. See the previous question.

  • Why would I play this deck?

    Lets be clear: you should only play this deck if you like trying to make insanity possible. However, if you like a challenge, or are playing against beginners, or are playing against someone with a comparably strange corp deck, this can be a hell of a lot of fun.

25 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Autoscripter. Please god.

25 Apr 2015 ycombinator

@FarCryFromHuman: Used to have it (see the previous deck). It helps with the chase for ultimate efficiency (TM), but costs so much influence that you can only have one. Unfortunately, early on, this deck does also have a fair amount of unsuccessful runs.

I fully support someone trying to put it in, but I haven't found it to really be effective. You can't durdle as much as you can with Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire as you aren't doing the archive mills, so you really do want to apply some pressure.

25 Apr 2015 ycombinator

I need to find a slot for Sharpshooter, and possibly Deus X in this list now that I have Clone Chips.