Coward-Ass MaxX - Hadrian's Wall 2nd (54x)

Jonny 101

A tweaked version of Reg-Ass Maxx (, with net ready eyes, and a cowardly level of recursion. Went 5-1 on the day.

Interesting deck building decisions:

3x Same Old Thing/3x Déjà Vu - I live in constant fear of milling all my levy recursion pieces. The odds of it happening are quite low even with only two of each piece, but milling a couple of them always caused me to overdraw just to find one of the remaining ones. I don't at all regret 3x SOT, they can be used for an additional knife/legwork/stimhack. I'm a little less sure of the 3rd Déjà Vu - I was never as happy to see one.

2x Medium - In a lot of matchups, the main plan is to get some kind of R&D lock going as soon as possible. For such a key card, trying to find a single copy can be a problem, especially since you'd usually have to use a recursion piece to install it.

I'm probably going to drop a Déjà Vu for another Knifed, which I'm never unhappy to draw. You could also make an argument for going to 2x Kati Jones, and up to 3x daily casts.


MaxX took a pounding on the day. I got hit with chronos project in two games (Both against RP). Once for a 1/3rd of my stack, once for 2/3rds of my stack including my Levy. I got my levy scorched out of my hand against HB(!), leaving me with one card in hand and an empty stack.

Beat 2x Glacier RP - Managed to keep asset economy down, and pounded R&D. I don't think I stole a single agenda out of a remote in these games.

Beat Glacier HB - Got ELPed early on, but kept killing R&D ice, and dug for the win.

Beat Blue Sun - He went broke early on to land sea -> scorch, but hit an IHW in hand allowing me to live. Never recovered economically.

Beat Scorch HB - Had all my breakers and a datasucker out. Lost my hand and my levy to a sea -> scorch, leaving me with an empty stack, no other installed cards, and a single net ready eyes in hand. Incredibly managed to get 5 points from single accesses over the next 5 turns or so to win.

Lost to NEH astrobiotics - Dug R&D until a tollbooth appeared, which I couldn't get past. Whiffed on two legworks, and got fast advanced out on.

15 Sep 2015 Dheraz

I like your build!
I feel like the biggest weakness Maxx has is that because she often discards her economy cards, she can end up even more poor than the average anarch. How often to you find yourself clicking for credits when you cant find Kati?
Second, how often to you actually use Levy? I find that most of the time, if I actually want/have to use Levy, I'm usually a few turns away from loosing the game anyways.