Well, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, here are all the sysops. They're a janky bunch and four out of the eight (as of The Underway) are in Jinteki.

Recruiting Trip is not an unplayable card. Marcus Batty in particular is a great target. The primary value of RT is that it's an operation and—Imp and Edward Kim aside—that makes it untrashable. Batty has a 1 cost so if he's crucial to your game plan, RT allows you to find him sooner without making RnD porous. Furthermore, RT is only a single influence so it's an appealing choice for decks that splash sysops. In particular, I see a place for it in Haas-Bioroid lists that want the Batty-NEXT Gold combo but can't spare enough influence to run more than 1 or 2 copies of the crazy-haired psychic.

Outside of Batty, there are a few niche uses for the card right now. The Foundry might want to conjure up The Twins for a combotastic double Janus kill. Personal Evolution may want to grab Tori Hanzō. All of these are surprise flatline combos though and revealing the sysop before install reduces their viability. I can't think of many scenarios where you'd want to tutor for multiple sysops but since they're all upgrades you could search for two and install both in the same server.

Overall, I like this card a lot. It's low influence and its playability depends on deck construction and the available card pool. Unlike unqualified tutors that are universally useful, cards like Recruiting Trip encourage inventive and narrow combinations. It definitely doesn't slot into many decks but someone in your meta will find a weird use for it, rest assured.

Defective Brainchips is a 1 influence card, and there is no better combo for dealing a Brain Damage than Marcus Batty and Tori Hanzo. I think its the real deal for that kind of deck who needs the Sysop NOW. —
Check out the art for this vs. the art for Career Fair. They even made the visuals on the PAD the student is holding the same! —

A modal card in the vein of Infiltration which rewards you for playing it even if you don't find a use for its primary ability (preventing a resource ). Fall Guy hasn't seen a ton of play but can be important in decks that rely heavily on a single resource to execute their game plan. Notable possibilities include:

One excellent example of Fall Guy usage is in StarkandTully's combo MaxX list which hosts many viruses on Personal Workshop while building up; Fall Guy protects against the "score Breaking News->trash PW" play.

While Fall Guy is clearly intended to protect resources, the second 2 ability should not be discounted as its real-time nature allows you to obtain credits just when you need them (to steal an NAPD Contract, to trash an asset, beat an Ash trace, etc…). In Geist in particular, Fall Guy becomes playable purely for its second ability as it turns into a better version of Green Level Clearance on the runner side.

Do note that you don't have a paid ability window mid-access or after a trace has been initiated. That said, it can get you to 4 credits before accessing a remote where you suspect a trashable asset or an NAPD might be. —
Right, a great point. I guess I'd hoped that was implied. I can definitely see situations where one's uncertain whether to pop FG for extra creds when you don't know if the agenda you're about to access is NAPD or not. —
Ok, I'm confused on what it means by "another" resource —
@Kutpurse Instead of the Corp trashing one of your resources (let's say because you're tagged), you can trash Fall Guy to prevent this so that the Corp will need to spend another click and 2 creds to trash the original target resource. Additionally, Fall Guy helps with self-trashing resources such as The Source. —

krystman's review is great and covers so much of this card. I wanted to touch on one aspect that the other reviews haven't mentioned yet; this card, particularly with multiple copies installed, functions as cheap damage protection with an ulterior benefit. In Geist it's basically equivalent to I've Had Worse since you net two cards, nullifying the SEA Source->2x Scorched Earth combo if you have two on the board and a full hand. Since there's a paid abilities window after each action, you have a chance to pop Muertos Gang Member even if you become tagged on the corporation's turn. Sure, they may get to rez some expensive stuff, but at least you'll live.


Sports Hopper go brr

A weirder, one-shot Caprice Nisei. Batty's power level is equal to whatever ICE you rez over him. Here's a wishlist of the game's most brutal subroutines:

  • Flare shoots off a trace6 for unpreventable meat damage, trashes a piece of hardware, & ends the run
  • Either NEXT Gold subroutine can win the game, though importing the whole NEXT suite into Jinteki isn't feasible so this means splashing for Batty out of HB
  • Heimdall 2.0's second sub does ends the run with brain damage thrown in for fun
  • Neural Katana has fallen out of favor due to its meager one-credit cost with Mimic but Batty's ability to land the 3 net damage may bring it back
  • Cortex Lock early can be as much or more net damage than Katana

Those are what come to mind but the potential with Batty is pretty crazy. Depending on your deck's needs, there's probably a killer subroutine that makes winning easy (think Data Raven or Gutenberg in Butchershop, Taurus in any Scorched Earth build) & Batty gives you an ≈67% chance of landing it no matter the opponent's icebreakers.

Dreams of brutal subroutines aside, Batty is also a solid Ash 2X3ZB9CY replacement in glacier decks. I'd expect Replicating Perfection players to save 2-4 influence by resorting to Batty.

There are some interesting timing issues with Batty too that I haven't had a chance to fully experience in my few games with him. You can fire his ability during any window, unlike Caprice, so the only holdup is ensuring you get your target ICE rezzed first. In glacier builds where Batty is used for an ETR, he'll function much like Caprice & be triggered after the last ICE is passed. But I can imagine scenarios wherein a runner anticipates a Batty kill & jacks out before you have a chance to fire. There are also probably many edge case scenarios where you'll want to trigger him because of ICE placements, e.g. to trigger a Gutenberg in front of Universal Connectivity Fee, a Chum in front of Neural Katana, etc.

Is Batty broken? Are we all sick of Psi Games? IMO, Batty is actually more balanced than Caprice Nisei. The one-shot nature combined with the ICE rezzed limitation makes it much harder to get value out of him. That said, his upside is enormous & will only continue to climb as more fearsome ICE is released. With a rez cost of 0, you can even circumvent Drive By or anticipate Hacktivist Meeting simply by installing him rezzed.

I think, the best choise for Markus is "cannot break" subroutine of Inazuma. —
Here's an idea to blow your meat mind. How about using Marcus on... Cell Portal!? —
You would have to have unrezzed Cell Portal (ie. with broken sub), then fire the sub only to derez it. Not some huge value... —
In RP, batty is just hilarious. Resolving a Susanoo after someone painstakingly broke it with Faust/Datasucker Mimic is a whole new level of satisfaction. —
Nice synergy with wormhole if you ever wanna try something crazy —
Thanks for ruining the joke, quiciuq. I hope I never play against you. —
Wormhole is an awesome idea with this. Lets Batty reach everything. Why didn't I think of that? —
Dont forget utility ice and program trash. Combo babatbatty —
I saw someone use this with grail ice. The runner ran at HQ. The corp rezzed Lancelot and Marcus. Using Marcus right away, they trashed the runners killer. Then, as it was the first piece of ice, the 3 subroutines triggers trashing another program, doing 2 net and EtR. Super cheap combo that can't be stopped unless the runner has 2 killers installed; or guesses right of course. —
Don't forget that you can Chum your Chum with Batty. Using Batty during the approach means that the next ICE he encounters is Chum itself, and he can't jack out! —
Or, if you have a chum that fires and the runner decides to push through, Batty can double the chum's effect on the next ice for +4 strength and 6 net damage. —
I'm particularly fond of using Batty on Inazuma's "cannot break" sub during the approach window when you would have the chance to rez that Inazuma. This means the runner can't break either of Inazuma's subs, and thus suffers both, so they're forced to walk into the deathtrap ice after it (Brainstorm if you want to meme harder, but there are plenty of ways to almost guarantee a win after that). —

A solid code gate with a deceptively useful subroutine. At a mere 3 rez cost to its 4 strength, RSVP is efficient and taxing. 4 is a magic strength total in the current meta; just out of Yog.0 range but beneath D4v1d, making it hard for certain decks to deal with. The costs for some common icebreakers:

The cheap cost for Cyber-Cypher (and Atman at 4) unfortunately makes RSVP weak against the popular Prepaid Kate archetype which is one of the strongest runner decks at the moment. Many Criminal and Anarch decks splash ZU.13 Key Master however, which RSVP is incredibly taxing against. If Net-Ready Eyes leads to a resurgence of Yog in the meta then the stock of RSVP will go down significantly.

While RSVP doesn't technically end the run, in a surprising number of situations it makes the runner's success unimportant. In particular, it's a great, cheap piece of ICE for protecting assets in both remote and central servers since its subroutine prevents paying trash costs. But there's a long list of defensive upgrades and agendas that require the runner to spend money, notably: NAPD Contract, Predictive Algorithm, Red Herrings, Ash 2X3ZB9CY, Caprice Nisei, Utopia Fragment, and Fetal AI. It also combos with the in-faction Pop-up Window to hard end the run, though ICE defense strategies that rely on ordering are notoriously brittle (e.g. Parasite ruins this plan). While RSVP is good in faction, it synergises really well in a couple of other decks, too:

An underrated piece of ICE that is great in certain builds but can feasibly be a one- or two-of in most NBN decks as well.

I completely agree that this card is under rated. I think it's place is a single ICE protecting a remote with an asset. An in faction Daily Business show behind this becomes incredibly taxing. And after training the runner that your assets go in that server, you can easily hid a 3/2 agenda in there and score it out (ain't no way they are running through that for an unseen "asset"). —
As predicted, the existence of Net-Ready Eyes has indeed caused Yog to become popular again. But even without that, Atman at 4 is immensely popular, making this only 1 credit to break. —
One Word. Tollbooth. —