Knowledge is Power
Knowing what the corporate executives are up to can provide so much intel to the runner so as to send the whole house of cards falling down, or the runner might just overhear mundane office gossip and leave the him or her wondering whether the resources spent could have been better used elsewhere.
Big push: After playing Executive Wiretaps (say for first two 's) runner could then follow up with Planned Assault to hand-pick any run even that from the stack that suits the state of cards in HQ. A bunch of Agendas? Legwork might suit well, nothing worth accessing? Perhaps Account Siphon instead. Lots of Agendas but Ice is too taxing? Stimhack might do the trick.
Double synergy: With up to 13 different Double cards for the runner currently available, Starlight Crusade Funding (say with Adjusted Chronotype?) encourages the runner to "double-down" on Doubles cards possibly mitigating the cost if playing 2-3 double cards in a single turn. With such a strategy the runner is likely to accrue a number of Doubles in the heap making Power Nap potentially a very effective
Because knowing is how you know stuff: Silhouette: Stealth Operative's ability to expose cards in addition to pulling back the curtain on HQ with Expert Schedule Analyzer or Executive Wiretaps followed up with Bug's ability to keep up-to-date with future card draws could give the corp player a strong sense that the room is rather drafty
(Did I miss something obvious, I'd appreciate suggestions in the comments below, I may add it to this review)
Revealing: the distinction between "accessing" vs "reveal" is a big difference. Revealing cards with Executive Wiretaps allows the runner to learn information while safely avoiding ambushes like Snare! & Shock! etc.
Iceless: Unlike it's program counterpart Expert Schedule Analyzer or the R&D semi-equivalent Indexing, the runner doesn't even have to face any ice to learn valuable intel. (also either with Expert Schedule Analyzer or Executive Wiretaps the runner sees all of HQ no matter how many cards there are not just 5.)
Bluffing Takes a Hit: Many resources are often spent conventionally running on HQ in the hopes of maybe pulling an agenda, with Executive Wiretaps the runner can avoid traps and learn whether HQ is really worth going after, with possibly two remaining s to exploit the information learned. Additionally future turns maybe similarly compromised as the runner can use information learned to full effect and adjust strategy accordingly.
Costly: as a double (costing an extra to use) and 4 to boot, Executive Wiretaps is not a card to play willy-nilly.
Random: Executive Wiretaps is not a card that can be depended on to move the game in the runners favor, card reveals may be worthless as often as they are fruitful, but expensive in either case.
Knowledge is power, and if your running style is to conservative and risk averse Executive Wiretaps has something to offer you.. for a price. While currently not a very popular card, more Double synergy for example may give runners a reason for a second look.
--It just saddens me when I see cards with no reviews. If you appreciated this review, please give a heart and I'll be encouraged to write more.