Here comes the way to reliably Neurospike a runner. Score this, and use Neurospike for a total of 5 net damages. In Jinteki: Personal Evolution, that is 6 net damages, usually enough flatline 95% of the runners, even if their hand is full.
But that is not all. With it, in the early game, you can poison archive. Even better if there is a Sting! alongside it. Normally, one of each would cause a total of 3 net damages, which is painful enough to make it possible to win with Punitive Counterstrike after. In Jinteki: Personal Evolution, that would be 5 net damages! Really, Fujii Asset Retrieval will be the Jinteki: Personal Evolution agenda of choice.
If you are looking for a vegan Jinteki, this is not the agenda for you. For every other Jinteki deck (most are aimed at flatlining the runner), this agenda is phenomenal. Much more proactive than Obokata Protocol (which is banned, in Q3 2023). This is "replacement" is better and encourage more meaningful choices. Multiaccess is good. But with this agenda, which often has Snare! in the deck with it, means you could face 5 net damages (and a tag) if you access 2 cards or more with multiaccess. Before, if you encountered Snare! first, it meant that you could not steal Obokata Protocol. But now, it means you could simply be flatlined, even with 4 cards in hand.
Of course, this agenda is much more fair since it does nothing in the late game if you steal it, because you win from having 7 points before you lose from being flatlined. That is a great design!
While the art is well made, it is a bit baffling to me, flavor wise, because Jinteki is usually not depicted with an industrial prison (or facility) that look more at home with Weyland. I do appreciated however the tree put on the left side of the picture, giving a nice wink to the logo of Jinteki. The quote of exactly what it should be and encapsulated perfectly the meaning of the name and effect of the card, tying them together perfectly. Good job!
"Even if an offensive 5/3 WERE viable, which AFAIK might be a first in Netrunner history..." Or the second after SDS Drone Deployment, which hits much harder when scored than when stolen.
— superheronation