Daniela Jorge Inácio is an agenda-protecting (and self-protective) “pseudo-damager” sysop.
Like a Ben Musashi crossed with a Calvin B4L3Y. She has a “converted trash cost” of “four units” (2[$], [card][card]
, two credits plus two cards).
For example, she'll “sidegrade” Fujii Asset Retrieval into Obokata Protocol. This is a combo if you want to protect it, but a nonbo if you want to flatline the runner, (since once an agenda has an additional cost, the runner can decline to steal it).
Non-Credit Trash-Costs: The
As an additional cost to trash this upgrade, …
gives a different texture to interaction, such as being bottlenecked on cards against Jinteki despite having infinite credits, or getting bottlenecked on clicks against Haas-Bioroid. (I really like it. Same with non-credit break-/boost-costs such as Audrey’s.)Non-Grinder Damage:
the Runner must add 2 cards from the grip at random to the bottom of the stack
is a “non-grinder” version ofthe Runner must suffer 2 net damage
, without the implicit milling: still random, still takes cards out of grip; but doesn't take away any “hit points” (HP = DECKSIZE + HANDSIZE
, which stays the same), and doesn't lock out any key pieces (which can be redrawn later on, esp. after shuffling them upwards, and immediately be tutored/fetched). This pseudo-damage would be “softer” than net-damage even if it were a mandatory trigger instead of an optional cost, and it still wouldn't “deck” you long-term even if it could flatline you in the short-term. (See a “less grindy but more pinchy” Hokusai Grid below.)
Hokushinsai Grid
[$4] ◆ Upgrade [-$4]: Region
[jinteki 3/5]
Whenever the Runner approaches this server, do 2 ego damage.
(Add these cards to the bottom of the stack at random, instead of trashing them.)
Limit 1 region per server.
… to steal an agenda from this server or its root
works in both centrals (this server
) and remotes (its root
).add from grip
won't trigger Steelskin Scarring or Strike Fund.
PS. The name seems to be pronounced [da.ˈnje.la ˈɟ̞or.xe i.ˈnas.jo], like “da-NYE-la YOR-hay ee-NAS-yo”.