Andromeda - Rich Girl ft. Clippy and Bank Jobs

CodeMarvelous 20021

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If you have never seen this absurd Gwen Stefani VIDEO I highly recommend you watch it.

When you live that fat cash lifestyle you spend all day running servers like it ain't no thang. After all it's easier to make money when you have money.

With the release of Temüjin Contract you are strongly incentivised to use the run reward cards such as Medium, The Turning Wheel and John Masanori.

If you are a rich criminal girl with contracts and contacts, what do you do? You play solid breakers and you add as much value as you can to your runs.

This is old school criminal engine dialed up to eleven. We may not be running data sucker but the money and draw added to successful runs is nuts.

Derived from this deck made by Jackmade

19 Aug 2016 tzeentchling

I might want a Femme in place of the second Mongoose. Tollbooth on HQ still annoys this deck. Employee Strike is probably more valuable than Rebirth, honestly - criminal just doesn't have great IDs to Rebirth into, I think, and Andy's link is useful. No Plascrete or Hopper is a dangerous choice, but I suppose the Crash Space can make do.

19 Aug 2016 x3r0h0ur

Leela and gabe are both insane rebirth targets. Femme would be nice, but unsure where to fit it.

19 Aug 2016 CactusJack

@x3r0h0urMaybe -1 Mongoose for +1 Femme?

@tzeentchling If you can free up 1 influence, and since this decks runs so richly, Guru Davinder might be a good choice for damage protection.

19 Aug 2016 tzeentchling

I mean, I'd rather put in a Feedback Filter before Guru Davinder, net damage decks that ping you are far more a threat. Exchanging Gordian for ZU.13 might be an okay choice to get that influence.

19 Aug 2016 tzeentchling

@x3r0h0ur Gabe seems just okay? This deck is packed with money, Rebirthing into more money doesn't seem super needed. Leela is probably the best target in general, no argument there, and I've Rebirthed into Silhouette for specific cases, but I just think there's better uses for that 1 inf in this Crim deck specifically.

19 Aug 2016 Raiddinn

Iain Stirling: Retired Spook is a decent rebirth target a lot of times and keeps the link.

19 Aug 2016 meta4

You mention John Masanori in the description, but don't actually include him in this decklist, which seems odd. You even talk about drawing from runs too.

19 Aug 2016 HolyMackerel

Really like this deck, though I might swap some cards around in order to get some Rabbit Holes in there. Really fallen for the card against CtM and Argus.

Also, Gwen Stefani? Teal bosses go for the Tevye original.
"If I were a rich man. Yabi-dibbi-dibbi-dibbi-dibbi-dibbi-dibbi-dum. All day long I'd biddy-biddy-bum, if I were a wealthy man!"