Tinkering on Mommy's Console

Krams 949

I made another fun deck that turned out to be not that bad in test plays.
As always, all commets welcome :)


I made a horrible Sunny criminal connections deck. Then I made a decent Sunny deck. Then I made a bad Sunny genetics deck. Then I took that genetics deck, added viruses, added some more anarcho style, switched the ID and "hammering with Mommy's Console" was born. It was even worse. I'm not going to publish that crap. Actually, I tinkered around, improving it until there was not a single Sunny card left in the deck and it became halfway decent. Then I made a kinda okayish Sunny shapery bullshit deck. And the Sunny deckbuilding continues! This time I'm taking my shapery Sunny deck and morph it into a sunny Shaper deck! Yes, I know this is getting out of hand... But deckbuilding is fun and I have work to avoid!


This deck play like a normal Kate would play, if she had forgotten her PPVPs at home. Except that you add some resources for long term economy. And you don't run any events except basic burst economy. And you don't use a console for the first 10 turns. Okay, maybe not like a normal Kate at all.
The thing is, you build up your rig. You get some eco going, poking a little bit at the corp, facechecking with SMCs shaper style. Maybe even pay for the SMC ability by using a Multithreader.
Then, you add in some real Sunny bullshit:

  • Hail mary runs with 3 Security Chips adding up to +5 to your whole breaker suite, cutting through mutli ICE servers easily.
  • Abusing Security Nexus as a late game Femme to bypass single annoying ICE that would be expensive to break.
  • Jak doing Jak stuff! Seriously, that guy is great! Only problem: You can't use Paricia to trash unguarded remote assets, because you can't use programs during a run with him. Maybe that's reason enough to pay the inf for Scrubbers, I don't know...
  • Build up a great drip eco, just like Mommy would!

Card choices

  • Paricia is bad because unlike Scrubber it doesn't help you to trash SanSan. But I don't know where to get the inf for Scrubber. Plus, it's nice being able to tutor it up if the asset spamming starts early and I really didn't want a Hostage in this deck.
  • ZU.13 Key Master is has a lower install cost than GS Striker M1 and breaks most code gates for roughly the same. Yes, Striker can boost up to 4 or 7 more cheaply, but a lot of high strength code gates only have a single sub, so they still end up the same cost. No real reason to pay influence if youhave a good in-faction alternative. (Unlike Creeper, which is a crappy in-faction alternative to GS Shrike M2.)
  • Hyperdriver is pretty much unnecessary in this deck. I mainly added it as an economy card. Install it for 0 using Kate's ability and blow it out next turn to click Mopus for 6 or simply draw cards. You can even fire it "when your turn begins" directly before you resolve Data Folding, so those two don't really disturb each other.
  • I feel like I really should add Modded, but I already have way too many cards in the deck and I tend to SMC out my most expensive programs anyways. Though it would help with the console and the Interfaces.
  • Datasucker has sneaked in as the only point of influence not spent on a mini faction. Well, what should I say? My friend Sherman asked if he could bring him along and I couldn't refuse.
  • Traffic Jam is supposed to help against fast scoring corp decks, but is unreliable. I'm thinking of Chakana as a replacement.
  • Clone Chip is added as a failsafe. I felt it was much needed with so many 1-of programs and in the test plays I was glad to have it.
12 Nov 2015 wily-odysseus

With 12 solid targets, Modded would fit really nicely in here.

12 Nov 2015 Krams

Hmm, maybe instead of Dirty Laundry?
They're both -saving burst eco cards that effectively give you 3 , so I guess they're interchangeble. And maybe finding a target for Modded is easier than finding a server for a useful run that I know will be successful, especially early game.

12 Nov 2015 wily-odysseus

@Krams Yeah, that seems like a good substitution, especially since you don't have any other synergy with Dirty Laundry like pre-paid. I have 3 modded in my Sunny deck, and they always do a lot of work.