NBN Shell Game

lillake 7

I made this deck as a reaction to a player running with Iain Stirling who leaned heavy on Data Dealer. The first few times I played him he just slammed my R&D on repeat until he won.

This was a shellgame bluff. I would run at least 4 remote servers, all with either no ice or weak ice. My ice was mostly built up to stop his R&D runs. I went as slow as possible scoring my agendas, often letting them sit complete but unscored for several turns. He made a couple early runs, hit a ghost branch and a junebug, then went back to slamming my R&D.

Soon enough I would have enough ready agendas, sitting in remote servers nearly unprotected and completely ignored. I would then score them all in one big bunch and win.

It only worked twice, and I was shocked I could pull the bluff off a second time. But it was worth it to see the look on his criminal face.

Probably not a tournament deck, and I'm sure there are some mistakes. But for casual play against someone who always wins it was fun as hell.