Spyware Apex [Invasive Blackmailer]

Mechanoise 1602

Apex is the gatherer, consumer, and destroyer of information - he is a malicious entity that intends on digging dirt on the corporation, blackmailing them, and using their complicity to his own goals. I've had a lot of fun and success with this build, and want to talk you through my estranged take on Apex.

One of Apex's greatest assets is also its greatest flaws. Endless Hunger promises to get you into any server, but specialty ICE, such as ETR tracers or Destroyers, kill tempo and lock out that server from future access. Supporting hardware and programs such as Sacrificial Construct and Faust help mitigate some of those issues, but it doesn't permit you into being as aggressive as you need to be.

This is where I love Snitch. Every run is a safe run, and reveals crucial information as to what ICE can be broken through Endless Hunger, and which can't. If it is a safe enough piece of ICE, keep running and force the corp to rez it, otherwise, note the existence of the problem ICE and Blackmail the server when you've Infiltrated the goods.

This is where things get spicy, Blackmail. Against Weyland you can expect a quick-scored Hostile Takeover to give you the bad publicity you need early, otherwise, delve into the company servers until you find records of employees accessing the 'deviant' type of celebrity Fan Sites, and Frame Job them to make the bad pub stick. Now you have access to anything your heart desires.

Mulligan for Snitch as the priority, and spend at least 1 click running servers and exposing ICE, charging through any that Endless Hunger can take care of. Dig deep, no card is dead weight as it can be used as face-down food, and only Apocalypse when you feel it's necessary. Always Be Running has fantastic synergy with Snitch, and be trashed alongside face-down cards with Independent Thinking in order to draw double the cards at a cost of 1; however, don't underestimate Always be Running's click-through ability, which can help to Prey ICE that has been rezed through Executive Bootcamp or Priority Requisition.

Money has never really been an issue, as there's little that needs paying for. I've not needed multi-access, and recursion cards such as Déjà Vu have not been missed due to Heartbeat's ability at preventing damage; however, the Levy AR Lab Access is there when needed.

There is no such thing as a squeaky clean corp, not while it's occupied by humans. Humans are fickle creatures, easy to exploit, and that's your goal with this deck. Expose, Exploit, and Explode. Thanks for reading!

7 Dec 2015 Dr.Evil

a wall of text - for what?

7 Dec 2015 Mechanoise

For reading

7 Dec 2015 forktines

Love the include of Independent Thinking and ABR. Hadn't really thought much about cross mini-faction synergy. I'm a bit confused about the purpose of Levy, as aside from Independent Thinking, you don't seem to have an abundance of card draw. How often do you end up actually needing to Levy, and have you considered swapping it for some Diesel or Quality Time?

7 Dec 2015 Mechanoise

@forktines Hey there, thanks for the positive comment :) Levy is there as an emergency back-up, little else. It also helps to get a lot of cards, such as Snitch, Endless Hunger and, of course, Blackmail back into your deck again. I've used it a few times, and it's good insurance. Card draw is mostly through click-to-draw, which I've been totally ok with as Snitch has done a surprising amount of work. Diesel is 3 influence too many, and Quality time is a 3 cost "you must draw 5" card, and you might not have enough money to install the stuff you could end up losing, so Independant Thinking lets me decide how many cards I want to draw for cheap.

8 Dec 2015 nixxus

i've been poking around with apex since release and i think you may have cracked them. This looks like a fun build that can keep up at GNKs and maybe even SCs. Blackmail seems like a perfect fit for threatening thoes remotes and sneaking out that last run for apoc.

8 Dec 2015 Mechanoise

@nixxus Here's hoping! I aim to take it to next year's Store Championship. I love bringing IDs/Decks that no-one's prepared for. Blackmail is the key here, and Snitch prevents the corp from rezing something problematic, whilst maintaining pressure. I need to refine the build to add a post-apocalypse game plan; possibly: -1 Independent Thinking, -1 Always be running, +1 Quality time, +1 Keyhole.


Looks great! Seems a strong deck. IF ONLY APEX COULD HAVE SAME OLD THING... Although if their really is a problem with the deck, to that it doesn't have the second breaker. This deck could possibly struggle against a glacier ice deck.

13 Dec 2015 Mechanoise

@APEX_INVASIVE PREDATOR Love the username! Same Old Thing would be amazing for the Blackmails, but, alas. The problem with the whole, "second breaker", issue is that unless it's AI then you're not going to get through without an entire breaker suite, and building that within an Apex deck without sacrificing Endless Hunger is...painful, and Leprechaun just adds more time to a deck that is built on being fast. Faust is an option, but, I always feel like I'm burning through cards as it is, why would I want to burn further? Especially since Faust is popular and Swordsman still gets used.

Good Corps will try and destroy Endless Hunger quickly to smash the tempo, but Snitch is so good as it's valuable information, while being aggressive, without putting your single breaker at risk. Force rez the ICE you can deal with, and Blackmail through the ICE you can't. There's always Always Be Running if you're in a real jam, otherwise, Apocalypse and reset the board.

5 Jan 2016 pulsemeat

Love this deck and it's my fav Apex so far, but what is the point of Brain Cage? It seems pretty unhelpful, especially at 3x.

8 Jan 2016 Mechanoise

@pulsemeat It satisfies additional draw through Independent Thinking and lets you retain the pieces you need for your combos, whilst being able to draw. If you haven't scored your Fan Site yet you'll likely be holding onto Blackmail, Frame Job, Apocalypse and Levy AR Lab Access, to name a few, so the extra hand size is great since I can mitigate the brain damage with Heartbeat. Don't forget no card is a dead draw in Apex since it can be Endless Hunger fuel.