Spam Eater

Pinkwarrior 2351

A good working Khan deck that rarely has dropped a game in testing.

The core premise was to use Eater to insure that Karns ability could fire every run and thus build a rig for accessing with, after that the deck mostly built it's self. With eater in and been a criminal it seemed silly not to take 3 Account Siphon's and add some Same Old Thing's as good measure.

From their it was clear that we were looking at econ denial as the main strategy so in came the Crescentus & Emergency Shutdown to add to that. With a small deck and SOT's in already the Levy AR Lab Access seemed like a must include. Throw in a Crash Space to get more bucks from Account Siphon add in some essentials and a rig and theirs the deck.

The rig:

I've always taken Corroder & Breach as my staple Fracters as a crim Paperclip was a slight change to that the thinking been that if it got sniped i wouldn't have to rely on the other breaker since crims generally don't have much recursion. This all been said i don't think it's needed thank's to Eater & Levy AR Lab Access, it maybe better to run a Corroder & an Inti.

With no real influence spare Passport & Cerberus "Rex" H2 seemed like the right choice.

Mongoose dose it's job well & ofc i included Golden kinda seemed like i need to it been her breaker and all. What can a say it's terrible to break ICE with really expensive fortunately the deck tends to have alot of money when rolling to the point i finished a game with 40+ credits.

However from what I've seen golden dose it's job best by just been on the table, When a corp is poor and their ICE is been derezed with Crescentus & Emergency Shutdown the last thing they will do is res a sentry, so in a wired way it kinda works.

So it seems like a good deck I generally only got 2-3 uses out of Khan: Savvy Skiptracer's ability each game but it did help my tempo alot. So we get to the question could we do it better in any other criminal and i think the answer is no from a tempo point of view anyway am sure Gabriel Santiago: Consummate Professional & Ken "Express" Tenma: Disappeared Clone could make more money and take more utility cards but they'd be slower. Just on deck size alone theirs only Silhouette: Stealth Operative & Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie that could keep up then add to the fact you can build your rig up whilst Account Siphoning them and saving credits doing so and you should see why I feel this way.

Theirs a few things that could be changed around of course. I feel the core for a Khan deck is here but I am unlikely to play it as I don't get much satisfaction out of Siphon Spam decks so i'll leave this for someone else to fine tune/build off of.