2 influence or 50+ cards makes this kind of hard to use, but: if you can protect it, this card makes you immune to R&D lock.
That's pretty cool.
Also: Aibo! And is that Ronan the Accuser in the background?
2 influence or 50+ cards makes this kind of hard to use, but: if you can protect it, this card makes you immune to R&D lock.
That's pretty cool.
Also: Aibo! And is that Ronan the Accuser in the background?
Think of this card as saying: "For 1, make a run. If the corp rezzes ice, immediately jack out without encountering that ice." Close enough.
It can be surprisingly useful in ice-destruction decks using the cutlery set (Knifed, Forked, Spooned) and relying on Eater.
The problem it addresses is that getting into a server often looks like this:
That's 3 and, potentially 2x the normal s to break.
Playing Cyber Threat on the same server, following the same pattern, costs you 1 and either gives you the access, or saves you the from an Eater break if the ice is dangerous. That can sometimes be the difference between getting in and not.
Ice destruction often requires forcing rezzes (especially post-MWL nerfing of Clone Chip + Parasite), and this is another way to force that to happen.
I'm surprised it's not a Run event. If it were it would be wonderful to play in Adam, and feels like it ought to combo with Public Terminal, Doppelgänger, etc.
It would actually be pretty good in Kit, because it gets around a scary situation for her: double-iced servers with the outer ice rezzed. No way she's spending 3 inf on it though.
Since Endless Hunger only breaks subs that say exactly " End the run.", with no other clauses, there are still plenty of (often overlooked) ICE that can put a stop to your fun.
Here's a search list that (as of Data and Destiny) shows all the ice that will end your run that Endless Hunger can't get you past:
You also need to watch out for Orion and Wormhole.
They come in a few categories:
50% are Sentries, making it clear that a backup Sentry breaker is a really really good idea, and e3 Feedback Implants are a sentient virus' best friend.
@Krams notes below that Inazuma, Susanoo-No-Mikoto, Wendigo and Bullolfrog are also things to watch out for.