Stoke the Embers

Stoke the Embers 4/2

Agenda: Initiative

When you score this agenda, gain 3[credit] and place 1 advancement counter on an installed card.

When you install this agenda from anywhere except HQ, you may reveal it. If you do, gain 2[credit] and place 1 advancement counter on an installed card.

“Up next: President Tavares' state funeral.”
Illustrated by Olie Boldador
Decklists with this card

Rebellion Without Rehearsal (rwr)

#114 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2024-05-26

    If the Corp uses Political Dealings to install Stoke the Embers when they draw it, where is it installed from?

    “When you draw” abilities resolve while the cards being drawn are set aside, before they are added to a player’s hand. Since the set-aside zone is hidden from abilities that don’t directly make reference to it, Stoke the Embers sees itself as having been installed from R&D. The Corp can use its ability to gain credits and place an advancement counter after installing it this way.


Writing a very niche review here due to something that came up in my game. Was up against a Knifing steve and my deck doesn't run deep ice so I was in a little bit of trouble. Knife doesn't want to score or care about scoring it puts pressure on the corp to beat their timeline.

Started installing remotes as a mix of Behold!, Project Beale Oracle Thinktank and Stoke the Embers. I looked like an asset spam deck in his mind so why wate time. I start slow advancing a few things, score out a Tomorrowʼs Headline to land 1 tag and slow him down.

Then the moment happened. I was able to chain 2x Stoke the Embers to get me to 6 points. He runs my other advanced agenda (Oracle Thinktank) which was behind Funhouse and alongside AMAZE Amusements. He couldn't ditch enough tags and I Psychographics out and scored a final agenda.

Older version of my deck had 2x Offworld Office but as a little Knife protection and to pop advancement tokens onto Behold! this makes the cut.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)

what format?