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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Why is she called a Star? Because Liza IS a star, that's why. Also she plays Stargate, but that is less important. But I think the more suitable name should be Mocked Liza, because she got mocked a lot. First of all she's a Liza, and who plays this kind of ID in Weyland's meta? That's plain stupid. Also she's a full of junk cards, like Dorm Computer (which is freaking restrict!), Networking, Eater and SMC, and who plays SMC in Criminal? Let alone two copies of it.
But Liza, The Star she is, managed to show everybody that mocking her is not a good idea. That she's a shrewd politician, capable of showing everybody she has a place among top tier Runners of all time. And that hacking corporations from dormitory house is not only hilariously funny, but also quite effective.
So behold everybody, this is Liza, politician that almost won the Polish election, and only an individual called Marcus Batty stopped her in her way to power (by winning psi game that made a small lock on her cortex). But she will come back, just wait for the next election...
Dorm Computer, Networking - basically for Weyland and some NBN matchups, a way to deal with the tags. When you fear HPT or BOOM!, use them, when not, just throw away without second look. With Liza draw you can afford 4 dead cards in non-kill matchups.
Eater - it can be used to: fire Liza ability, pump up the Turtle, fire Paragon, collect money on Bankrolls, run with Stargate, run with Embezzle, run with Diversion of Funds, run with Dirty Laundry, also it allows to run into almost any ICE without fear (except for Swordsman, but who plays this card?). Along Stargate this is the BEST card in the whole deck.
Embezzle - except of being awesome card on its own, it also helps with sniping HHN and HPT when played with killy corps.
Stargate - everybody knows that this card is bonkers.
SMC - allows to get Turtle, Eater, Stargate or Bukhgalter, depending on the situation. Better than Special Order because it works for every program, not only Icebreakers.
Bukhgalter - best killer in the game, useful in some situations (mainly Anansi, Tour Guide and Swordsman - if someone will actually play it).
Flip Switch - with this beautiful card you can run like a madman even with empty Turtle. Also helps with tag removal.
Hot Pursuit - I didn't want to include this card because it would be dead when played against killy corps. Also, six card targeting HQ (Diversions & Embezzles) is enough.
21 Oct 2019
21 Oct 2019
Congrats on the good showing and sweeping me! |
21 Oct 2019
@up: In the top cut Congrats on the 2nd place, I was one of those laughing at the ID choice, who's laughing now :) |
21 Oct 2019
Thanks folks for your comments :-)
IMHO that alone would not be enough , but you have also 3 Deuces Wilds and 3 Flip Switches, so essentially 10 cards, 1/5th of the deck, that helps with fighting the tags. This is barely enough to be honest, but I think adding more tag removal tools would make this deck much slower against non-kill corps. And I would go tag-me only when I see 3 HPTs in the bin.
I played against few kill decks before the Nationals and I had a feeling that this is very tough matchup but still winnable, but you need to mulligan hard for Dorm Computer or Networking. Dorm is especially cool against Argus where you can avoid both Liza tag and the one you get from stealing Agenda. I did not consider Citadel because you need to be wealthier than corp for it to work, I would rather play Misdirection, taking influence from Deuces. |
21 Oct 2019
Great build and showing! Congrats. What's up with SMC though? Double Stargate and max out on special orders seem fine? Oh! I get it - they were your Cortex Lock tech, filling up MU :P. |
21 Oct 2019
How would you like to use Special Order to get Stargate?
Not only, I also used it as a free Program install before I Inside Jobbed for SDS ;-) |
29 Oct 2019
Congrats on reaching the finals! What a deck :-) I can imagine some Liza fans that I know using this in exotic locations to win prestigious things. |
Love that build. Were three Dorm Computers and one Networking enough to play no-tag-me game against kill decks? Or did you also go tag-me in kill matchups hoping that Embezzle and Stargate will be enough to deny the kill?