Paper Pickaxe

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Haas_Steriod 39

New idea I've been toying with.

Use Kabonesa for SMC and get x3 Oragami out. You now have 14 hand size and with Ekomind it is possible to have up to 14 MU at times. Which is great for Deep Data Mining as well as our ice breakers.

14 Feb 2018 spleen86

I suggest to found 1 influence for Hunting Grounds against nasty Komainu

14 Feb 2018 spleen86

I suggest to found 1 spot for Hunting Grounds against nasty Komainu

14 Feb 2018 Snidely

Be careful with Levy AR Lab Access and Ekomind together. There's an old ruling that when Levy is played, because you temporarily have 0 cards in hand, it sets your MU to 0 as well and programs must be trashed. You can find it here:

14 Feb 2018 gumonshoe

Run Dhegdeer instead of leprechaun. 1, it reduces install costs, 2 it helps if you levy since you won't lose programs.

14 Feb 2018 Haas_Steriod

@SnidelyThanks for pointing that out,

The runs 2 Cyberdelia which gives us +2 MU. Which is enough to have both Ice Breakers on 1 Lerechaun and 2 Oragami on the other. So when I Levy I trash 1 Oragami. But its just a click to SMC and get it again, so not that big a deal.

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