Bakaru 253


"Minimalism is not a lack of something. It's simply the perfect amount of something." -Nicholas Burroughs

A lean and mean deck that doesn’t use Lean and Mean. Everything can be setup within turn two or three typically. Why waste time, money, and clicks installing a bunch of fancy schmancy programs when you can go minimalist and do just as good if not better.

Starting hand you’re looking for a Peace in Our Time, any of your other needed parts are ‘nice to haves’ but not as important as that sweet sweet start-up money turn one.

Use KW’s ability to pull out all three SMC to install all three of your Origami. Then if not in hand draw up install either Ekomind or Tyson Observatory to tutor Ekomind out.

Game Day up to your max hand size of 14, get an Overmind and a Dean Lister installed and you’re good to Deep Data Mine the Corp into oblivion.

I don’t think I’ve played a Shaper deck that can setup this quick and be so effective right out of the gate. Kabonesa Wu is a force to be reckoned with.

I'm always open to comments and different ideas, in this case I'd be curious to know if there's anything that I'm missing that could streamline it even more than it already is.

Other notes:

Should go without saying but only ever install Data Folding with Career Fair.

System Seizure is a last resort backup in case Dean Lister are all used up and not coming back.

Gordian Blade and Na’Not’K are there in case of impassable AI hate. (Savant may be a better include depending)

If you need to Levy... yes, all programs installed will have to go in the bin since the mem will go to zero for a sec, but with her ability and 10 credits you can be back up and running in one turn so don't sweat it. By the time you reach the end of your stack and want to Levy you should have more than enough credits to cover the cost no problem. It's fun to live on the edge every now and then.

15 Feb 2018 Manadog

As has been mentioned on similar decks - beware of the ekomind + levy interaction. When you levy you temporarily have 0 cards in hand so you suddenly have 0 memory and trash every program that takes memory. Just FYI

15 Feb 2018 Bakaru

@Manadog did not realize that thank you. I will need to make an adjustment

15 Feb 2018 Bakaru

@Manadog honestly by the point the Levy is coming out everything could get set back up within a turn using her ability.