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After numerous attempts to make Sage and Dinosaurus work in Shaper, I realized that it wasn't worth all the pieces required to make work. So here is a Sagesaurus deck with no 'saurus and drip Andy instead.
Sage is backed up by Creeper which is free after one Dyson comes up, and D4v1d for things like Archer and anything too big for Sage at a given moment. Both obviously work well with e3 Feedback Implants already included for Sage. One copy of each program is required given influence limitations, but between Earthrise Hotel and Special Order, there shouldn't be too much trouble pulling them out of the deck.
The Supplier feeds the drip econ and hardware supplements. HQ Interface is for multiaccess, though I wish I had more influence room for R&D multiaccess. Utopia Shard serves as protection against Scorched Earth.
10 Mar 2015
Father Tork
10 Mar 2015
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With no recursion, you appear to have no backup if any of your programs get Trashed.