After months of searching for that perfect 4-0 record as an excuse to publish this list with a flourish, I’ve decided to simply accept the fact that somebody else may well be able to take it to greater success than I. If I didn’t have an obsession with off meta corps I may even have placed higher myself! Some friendos and regular tournament companions have expressed repeated interest in seeing the list, and having received plenty of support from my EA Sports teammates, I’ve decided to finally publish my first Netrunnerdb deck. Therefore I present to you my favourite runner I’ve ever played, World Tree Arissana, 45 card Edition.
3-1 Norwich Co
2-2 Cambridge Co
3-1 Summer Showdown
4-2 EMEA
3-1 Southwest Regionals
Overall: 15-7 - 68 % WR
World Tree Ari has been known for awhile, initially being proposed as a ~65 card Tech Tree list by Metropole Grid, and further taken to astounding heights by many very skilled Netrunners. I however took it in a different direction, falling in love with the spectacular value available by cycling cards that have already gained value, the speed of setting up a powerful rig in the perfect order, and the perfect synergy between Arissana’s Ability, with the timing of World Tree triggers.
Early on in EA discussions, the line of Muse fetching Self-modifying Code, to fetch World Tree, to swap Muse for Coalescence was highlighted, and since then I have loved the play pattern. With simply 1 Sure Gamble/Trick Shot, and 1 Muse/SMC in your hand, you can end your turn with World Tree, Coalescence and 4 credits on Turn 1, very consistently.
The general game plan of the deck follows this common line:
This particular list was the one I played at Southwest Regionals, but there’s a decent amount of wiggle room with influence, and I’ll be making changes myself as I continue to play it.
Card Choices:
Final Thoughts:
I’ve been an Arissana player since she was released, and so gradually over time have learned the play patterns, tested the limits, and exploited the combos to really fall in love with her and her skateboard tricks. Right now Shaper is in a fantastic place with all the new cards of the Automina Initiative, and it’s never been more fun to play even if the lines can cause some analysis paralysis. World Tree I believe to be a fantastic card that enables these incredible combos, and combined with excellent Meta knowledge (which I simply haven’t put as much time into studying as I could have), can produce great results.
Many people have attested to their belief that World Tree Arissana is the best Runner deck in the meta right now, and I am happily on that bandwagon. There’s still plenty of counterplay to it however in my opinion that has been yet to be explored, and it wasn’t that long ago that people couldn’t help but spread doom and gloom that Hoshiko was the solved meta. To them I say, it’s about time Shaper has it’s time in the sun!
EA Sports - My local band of enthusiasts who include some of the most skillful players I’ve ever witnessed, it’s been a pleasure to play alongside you
TAI Breakers - Not only producing some fantastic results playing the most meta breaking deckbuilding decisions in recent history
The Netrunner community - To all the wonderful people who’ve made going to tournaments both exceptional, addictive fun, provided wonderful company, poured all their energy into creating awe-inspiring art and great tournaments, plus provided a genuinely challenging skill level to play against, I say Thank you!
Have a lovely day everyone! KamiKami
28 Jul 2024
28 Jul 2024
I'd listen to aashbo, his suggestion sounds pretty legit😉 Great deck, excited to not only give this a try myself, but hopefully to see you piloting "slim tree" to a top cut near me, soon <3 |
29 Jul 2024
Since you save a point if you run Unity, would you play a Pinhole or something? Or would you consider dropping some other influence to find room for a Physarum? |
29 Jul 2024
You certainly can find room for Entangler or Pinhole, though I find just prioretising setting up the breaker suite means I didn't find much need to Entangler |
8 Aug 2024
Congrats on deck of the week and stuff, well earned. I kept telling all the World Tree 65 players at EMEA that they should probably cut about 20 cards from their decks. |
Have you considered adding more breakers and draw?