Jinteki - White Tree - 5th - Omaha Regional

IronRaven88 159

Jinteki - White Tree

My RP list that I took to the Bellevue 2015 regional and piloted to 5th place. This deck lost 1 round in swiss (out of 5 rounds) and 1 round in top 8. Overall, its just another RP at this point. Simple, taxing, effective.

This deck archetype has proved successful and has been around for a while. It forces click compression on the runner, where they do not have enough actions to break into the scoring server. The agendas are frustrating because many defend themselves.

Agenda Composition

Standard RP agenda suite. The Future Perfect's and NAPD Contract's defend themselves when accessed. Nisei MK II guarantees the next agenda installed will be scored or can stop powerful runner attacks such as Account Siphon and Indexing.


I've been playing RP since Enhanced Login Protocol was released and it's really the cornerstone of the deck in my opinion. Fairly standard taxing ice composition. I noticed Cortex Lock and Komainu were fairly useless. Cortex lock is great early game however runners don't face check without a sentry, especially with the prevalence of Architect. Komainu just dies to the parasite that all PPVP Kate decks are playing. Crick is really good at being a mildly taxing on HQ and R&D, and is a great deterrent on Archives.


25 May 2015 Nerdfighter

The Future Perfect's ability doesn't work when TFP is installed.

25 May 2015 IronRaven88

Excellent observation, however Caprice Nisei protects them while TFP is installed. The protect themselves in HQ and R&D.

25 May 2015 IronRaven88

Excellent observation, however TFP is usually protected by a Caprice Nisei. TFP protect themselves in HQ and R&D.

28 May 2015 rico_dorito

@IronRaven88 and Archive ;)

28 May 2015 IronRaven88

@rico_dorito Haha yes indeed. I'm slipping, so thanks for keeping me honest. At the time of this tournament, I missed the 8 agenda RP train. On further research that variant plays fewer sentries and an Executive Boot Camp, to combat Valencia Blackmail, and a Blacklist for PPVP Kate matchups. It cuts 2 NAPD Contract for a Hades Fragment bringing it to 8 agendas. I played against this variant during the tournament and admit that I was thwarted at every turn.