Armandkin Cloudwalker

Csys 1

My first published decklist, so bare with me:

This is my shot at an Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord deck. I was very excited about that new criminal when i first bought and unboxed "The Underway".

The main idea was to build a deck with no draw included but of Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord´s ability. That way the deck was way to insconsistent regarding draws. Thus I looked at his ability as a nice bonus and small saftey net (less draw, that could be used on the Corps turn). So some tweaks were needed, I included Earthrise Hotel for consistent, influence free draw.
As main ice breakers I wanted to use Crowbar, Spike and Shiv. So Forger and Access to Globalsec get some love, to get that +1 asap.
Alias, Corroder and ZU.13 Key Master as back-up plan for the break and enter Suite.

The Supplier does some good work in this resource and hardware heavy deck. Underworld Contact and Data Folding are the obvious choice for Armand with the break and enter Suite. I would love to have 2 Crescentus in this deck, but sadly deck space is tight.
Utopia Shard offers some additional protection against Midseason/Psychograpix/Traffic Accident/Scorched/Punitive and is a nice addition because of the ability.
Clone Chip for obvious reasons.
Fall Guy 2, a draw for one , what´s not to like.
Hostage to get The Supplier ready, so you just need one copy. After that you can get Underworld Contact with it.

I don´t think this is anywhere near competitive, but who am I to judge that. I just loved that ID :D
I hope I explained my thoughts somewhat well.
Constructive criticism is very welcome.

30 Jun 2015 Csys

Bare with me for tinkering with his name :D