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AKirkland 33

So I'm going to jump on the Gagarin bandwagon with a list that's been winning a lot of games for me lately, and that I think is a cut above the other Gagarin decks I've been seeing posted.


It's basically a horizontal rush deck with a strong kill backup. It has minimal ice (only 12 pieces) but most of it stops the run and is quite cheap to rez, so you should aim to start scoring out early, behind a single piece of ICE, or 2 at most. You can transition into a midrange-y strategy with Ash later on if you have to, in order to score out the last agenda, but ideally they'll be so hard-pressed to control your asset spread that they'll either hinder their own development badly enough that you won't need to, or else leave themselves open to the kill.

More detail:

All the assets are solid on their own, so if the runner ignores them you'll quickly gain too much momentum to halt. Your economy is Hedge Fund, Paywall Implementation, PAD Campaign, Expo Grid and Oaktown Renovation, which turns out to be plenty. The ICE is actually quite taxing, particularly Spiderweb and Tour Guide, so you'd be surprised at how easy it is to get rich enough for the kill (or the Ash-defended score).

Don't bother replacing any of the agendas for more NAPD Contracts - I've tried it, and NAPD really is the weakest agenda here. Atlas lets you get the kill combo (or whatever else you need), and Oaktown is the single best rush agenda you have access to.

The hardest matchup is a really strong Noise build, with lots of Imp and Parasite recursion. Even so, you have a good chance of winning - just try to move fast before they can get all their combo pieces together.

General tips:

  • If you get the chance to, try to over-advance an Atlas in order to make the kill pieces easier to find.
  • If you can avoid it, try to not put your Expo Grids on your PAD Campaigns, since that means the runner can shut down both sources of drip economy with a single trash.
  • A single ICE on each main central is usually enough, unless they're really pushing hard. Don't ice up any remotes besides your scoring server. If you find yourself with more than 6 installed ice in a game you're probably not being aggressive enough. I often score my first agenda with R&D undefended.

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