Explodication v1.1

caelenvasius 2

A combination of the Silverware Set, Singularity, and Wanton Destruction keeps the corp on their toes; they never know what you're going to smash next. Prepaid VoicePADs keep this cheap, and Paintbrush makes it easier when needed.

All this is powered by Eater, fed by Datasuckers and Scrubbed. Cyberfeeders and the dangerous-to-use but powerful Spinal Modem make it cheaper. Quetzal's ability with e3 Implants help you take out any thick barrier with ease (knifing a strength 20 Hadrian's Wall for two credits is hilarious fun).

Economy is relatively strong. A well-timed Day Job can enable a few runs with a proper setup while you charge Kati. Security Testing combos nicely with the other tools to make money while charging Datasuckers.

Lastly, a few utility cards:
Special Order to be used early to pull out Eater (though I'd suggest pulling Mimic too if you're playing against Jinteki).
Retrieval Run does what it does best, though you should try hard to avoid trashing programs.
Keyhole is icing on the corp-screwing cake.
Xanadu is a curious card that serves an idealistic purpose in the deck: the fewer ICE they can rez, the less chance you need to use Eater, and can actually access cards for once...

• Use Eater to turn on HQ and remote server-demolishing cards.
• Smash non-sentry ICE (and any particularly hard-hitting sentries) to allow standard access on servers without needing Eater on successive runs.
• Don't be afraid to face-check once you've got both breakers and a couple creds: Eater can solve 99% of your problems, after which you can jack out safely.
• Use the deck's curious non-intuitive style to your advantage, making attacks seemingly at random; pressure on the corp is never a bad thing.

Dyson Mem Chips both allow more programs and help fight off those nasty in-run traces. Removing the need to protect via link would shrink card-count, replacing 3x Dysons with 1 or 2x MemStrips.
• Paintbrush may prove unnecessary: If sentries never prove an issue, I can remove Forked, adding an additional copy of Knifed and Spooned. Then Paintbrush's use would be reduced to only two cards, and using Quetzal+e3 to break stronger ICE for a click and a little cash, instead of a lot of cash. As a secondary benefit, Paintbrush's removal will free up influence for one more Security Testing and Special Order, improving draw power/efficiency.
• Xanadu may be gravy, and thus cut for deck size.
• The tempo hit from Day Job can hurt bad against faster decks. Sure Gamble instead would fix the tempo, but the change in economy statistics may prove unstable.

I'd love to hear any positive suggestions!