Full on Barrier v2.0

Dloaf 2

I have been testing this and so far its been a lot of fun, and it has a 50/50 success rate. Blue Sun as always can rearrange ice and get economy out when I need it mostly.

I found that once they see a Will-o'-the-Wisp on a server they can assume most upgrades are likely one of those two. I tried interns to threaten bringing them back but after trying the Crisium Grid/Off the Grid combo it tends to put some fear of losing icebreakers.

The wisps work great for removing ice, then rezzing other destroyer ice. If you can score the Eden Fragment out sooner The Roots are just run fodder, if not The Root comes in Handy.

Glacier up HQ and R&D then the scoring server and its been fun.

1 Oct 2015 River

Easily countered by:

1 - Battering Ram 2 - Heavy Economy. (The MaxX deck I run has an average credit pool of 25) 3 - Clone Chip

Personally, I'd switch out Government Takeover, it's too risky a card. Sure, it increases your Agenda density, but is it really worth the extra card space?

5 Oct 2015 Dloaf

Its risky using Government Takeover and I was considering putting in a Glenn Station for that. But getting that combo negated the very small agenda draw I wanted.

I haven't seen Battering Ram used in my meta often so I haven't been worried about it. I used to have a few Superior Cyberwalls because they can pump up all barriers and get me some income but that once again increases the agenda count.

I haven't taken this to a tournament, its a janky fun sort of deck for those that don't expect it. Chameleon decks aren't good for this one unless you can get rid of them all.

Other test decks added a Chronos Project, Blacklist, Daily Business Show.

Try it.