The People Love Bad Publicity Final

Hactarcomp 8

Writing up a summary so I can come back to this, as I'm putting Weyland away for a while to play with NBN. (Original, I know.) Also, I'm pretty happy with this deck. I never took it to any tournaments, but it did well enough in the casual meta for me to be pleased.

This is a glacier deck with a secondary win condition of flatlining. It's nice when it happens, but enough people pack enough damage protection these days that it slowly changed from a primarily flatline deck to a primarily glacier deck. The deciding moment was swapping High-Risk Investment in for The Cleaners and working with the influence to replace Checkpoint with a third Tollbooth.

This deck is designed to get bad publicity and then deal with it by bouncing Elizabeth Mills repeatedly. There are six 1 point agendas, with only 3 that the runner can steal. The Public Support nice ways to score a point, something to feed to Archer,Corporate Town and a good way to make someone hit a weakly defended server to trash it, instead of going after a heavy server with a real agenda in it.

The biggest issue is getting the economy going. Once you have that, the game becomes much more difficult for the runner. If you can Oversight AI a Curtain Wall or even a Wormhole or Tollbooth initially, you're going to be doing well. If they kill that oversight, you have to start looking elsewhere. The Hostile Takeovers and Oaktown Renovations are actually a key part of the economy, one giving a 5 credit boost, the other one feeding you credits for as long as you can safely defend it. Those, plus Adonis Campaign and Hedge Fund are your economy. This does free you up to run 17 pieces of ice, much of it annoyingly large.

A scoring server ideally involves, but is not limited to Curtain Wall, Tollbooth, Tollbooth. An Archer is nice in there too. This is something that will cost anyone, including PPK, enough cash to be limiting to get through. Throw an Oaktown there, get cash from it, let them steal it, check their cashflow, and if you just opened a window, that's when you score out the High-Risk Investment. Once you have that, your economy is golden and you can just keep stacking ice on the scoring server. I once had three Tollbooths in a row. My opponent was able to get through once, but was swearing quite a bit.

The Taurus is there to kill Plascretes, but honestly, I hardly used it. Given that DLR decks seem to be coming into vogue, it might make sense to ditch it for a second Executive Boot Camp, especially since this gives you access to all your assets, not just Corporate town.

Heavy ice is your friend, the threat of a SEA Source 2xScorch combo is enough to make people wary in the beginning (which is when I've gotten most of my flatlines with this), which is generally long enough to start using Blue Sun antics to start making money. Crisium Grid goes on HQ unless otherwise needed to defend against Siphons and Vamps and Ash 2X3ZB9CY either goes on the scoring server or R&D. He won't last long on R&D, but he will make enough of a nuisance to be useful.

PPK has generally been the toughest matchup. Noise/other Anarchs can be shut down with either Corporate Town or Elizabeth Mills on their Wyldside, which opens up windows to work with. Val requires you to get Elizabeth or Executive Boot Camp ASAP to clear her bad pub and whatever other bad pub you're going to give yourself.

This deck started out as a nearly pure kill deck with lots of bad publicity, including things like Grim and Checkpoint. It's changed as the local meta has, and it's done fairly well there. Don't let them see you sweat and you should be ok.

31 Dec 2015 Hactarcomp

Also, completely legal under new NAPD restrictions. Happy new year