Ok, but dont die trying.

Dead Drop 147

Ask me if you know. Ask me if you know when rain, When rain fall harder.

I think this deck sign the return of Argus post Mooron. No influence left for MCA but Hunter Seeker solve the problem, as the core objet of this deck is to dare the runner to steal an agenda.

Wait? No one point agenda? Yep, because you want a little time to built a terrifying server before agenda starts being stolen.

And how terrifying is it? Well, imagine your scoring server protected with a Data Raven, hidding a Prisec and K.P. Lynn, plus an agenda, indecently teasing the runner via Casting Call, and you have it.

Wait, there is also Mr. Stone who patiently waits in the shadow of another server.

Do the math: One agenda stolen equal 4 necessary tags and 4 necessary meat damage. And then the Argus ability trigger. Difficult to recover from that in one turn. Imagine if you can score an Armored Servers beside a spiderweb ?

And if advancing quickly is your fetish, you have plenty of Ceremony. Those can also be use against the runner by fortifying your ice for greater taging potential.

Welcome to a world where we know.

19 May 2017 mawa

I feel like Zealous Judge makes more sense than Mr. Stone. It's great for building a server from hell and taxing out those clicks once they do run your server.

19 May 2017 Dead Drop

Yeah maybe you're right. But as I understand it, Zealous Judge and Mr. Stone serve a different purpose. The first one is more like an mutli-taging tool, and Mr. Stone is more like the little annoying poking man that slows you down. But again, both are worth trying.

20 May 2017 yosempai

Definitely gonna try this out! Is one Friends in High Places enough?

20 May 2017 mawa

@S.Sigouin I mean, isn't the idea to kill the runner if they take the 4 tag tax?

20 May 2017 Dead Drop

@yosempai Maybe you could replace one Eli for another Friends. I also tought about replace one Casting Call with one Archived Memory, which offer more possibilities. @RubbishyUsername Yeah, your right, the idea is to kill the runner. Both card have advantage and disavantage. Zealous use a click and a credit while Stone is a passive ability, and click matter in this matchup as you need to keep building you server. But Zealous allows to abuse tagging when it matter the most. I don't know. I might add one copie.

20 May 2017 divadus

Cool concept. That said, I feel like Argus simply isn't quite there without MCA Informant(s) (I am not just randomly positing this - I speak from experience of having played the ID many times, both with and without). Not solely because of Aaron (who indeed crushes Argus), but also because of Film Critic - which crushes your Hunter Seekers, Casting Calls, and ID ability.

I do very much like Armored Servers in Argus, and I think Hunter Seeker also helps breathe new life into the ID. I just fear that the deck, in its present form, probably just keels over dead against even a semi-refined Shaper deck once they drop the Critic. If your experience differs though, please do share.

20 May 2017 Dead Drop

@divadus Yes, you're absolutly right: Film Critic kill the deck. And, as it is right now, all Shaper player will play it, just in case they encounter Skorpios. So I should definitly make influence for one copie. Even if the deck is far from being candidat for world championship.

24 May 2017 Pilgrim

I love it. Regarding Film Critic I wonder if swapping the casting calls for MCA Informant would be good. You have enough tag punishment as it is so a quick way to sort her and Aaron MarrĂ³n would be nice.

3 Jun 2017 ogrillion

Fantastic! Love that people are keeping the old Argus spirit alive after Aaron. Also absolutely love the reference to Mr. Stone as "little annoying poking man". He's now got that nickname at my gaming table.