Central Siphon Lock v1.2 - Math n' Stuff 12/7/14 Tournament

pandapersona 2634

An Account Siphon recursion deck that solely relies on the central breaker suite. This deck utilizes click compression from cards like Doppelgänger to take advantage of a poor corp. Many plays involve Account Siphon or Vamp, then using the free Doppelgänger run to head either in a remote or RND with a Medium.

Lamprey is a key card as it helps keep the corp out of Hedge Fund range post Account Siphon and Vamp, and effectively gives you another turn when they purge.

Cards like Three Steps Ahead and Dirty Laundry help fuel economy while continually running. Three Steps Ahead is good if you can only make 3 runs during the turn netting 5 credits, it gets better with Doppelgänger.

This deck went second place in a 14 person tournament, 5 rounds of Swiss, ended up with a 3/2 record.