OverSage Fatale: All ur brainz r belong to (Dinosaur)us

slobad31 584

The general plan is establish a ton of MU, then run like mad, with a heavy emphasis on R&D. Sage-o-saurus is a thing, and Scavenge is there in case you draw him late. I was running double Deep Red, but I had the influence for MemStrips, so I just reverted back to Chaos Theory's fluffy pal. Economy has been stable in testing, so far. The e3 Feedback Implants are self-explanatory, making Sage and Overmind to break stuff at a steeply discounted rate. With the release of The Valley, Cortex Lock is something to watch out for, but Femme or Overmind can handle that without much difficulty. I'd appreciate any feedback, as this is still a work in progress.

23 Apr 2015 Phoenix

Few things:

1) You are extremely short on Overmind recursion (only 1, no test run, no Scavenge, only 2 Clone chips) meaning you are not going to last past the early game.

2) You are going to have trouble even using the clone chips in overmind as once you have the Femme sage and Overmind you have nothing else to install to trash Overmind to use the clone chip.

3) Early game blue sun rush behind an Oversighted Curtain Wall will ruin you, and that is a very common deck right now.

I would definitely find room for 3 Test Run, 1 Scavenge, at least 1 more Overmind and drop 2 Lucky Find for a D4v1d. That way Sage at 4 is enough for the early game.

23 Apr 2015 mjortman

You could consider Uninstall too, for Overmind and Sage retrieval for putting on Dino if necessary. May be better than Scavenge.

24 Apr 2015 slobad31

@Phoenix Test Run's been in and out of this deck, but I'll try it with your other suggestions. There are, however, two Scavenge, but I think you just missed them. Blue Sun is definitely an issue, so I like the recommendation to include D4v1d. The feedback is much appreciated!

24 Apr 2015 slobad31

@mjortman My only hesitancy with Uninstall is that I have to pay to re-install the program, whereas Scavenge gets it back for free (provided it's the same program I trashed). Not only that, but with Uninstall, I have to spend an extra click to re-install it, where Scavenge trashes it and puts it back all in one click. Thanks for the suggestion, though. Uninstall is sometimes the better choice, like for Anarchs with no spare influence wanting to recur Imp.

24 Apr 2015 mjortman

Oh sorry - I didn't mean Uninstall in place of Scavenge, but rather in place of 1 of the Clone Chips. I was thinking of Phoenix's point #2 in the post above mine. That's my bad. I saw him type "Scavenge" and my mind was wandering. :)

24 Apr 2015 slobad31

Haha no worries! I could see that, and I'll see how Uninstall works there.