You thought you were Running fast before...

Softman25 297

I really just wanted to ram Comet into a deck, this seemed like the best way to do it...

With over half your deck being events, you should get relatively good use out of Comet's ability. Given that you are Ken, you get drip economy from the fact you're planning run events, and other events are just...there.

Lucky Find omitted because I wanted a real rig, and some decent RnD events. Same Old Thing omitted because I don't want to cut anything.

Career Fair is a big deal. There are only 6 resources, but getting a Daily Casts for 0, or an Earthrise Hotel for 1 is a big deal, a really big deal. And especially when that install triggers Comet...

It's a fun deck, maybe not that competitive, but fun I'm sure.