My first Coorp build

robertan11651 1

I'm a noob and this is my first attempt, I'm all about the feedback!

2 Jul 2015 tiedyedvortex

It's difficult for a more experienced player to critique this sort of deck, because it's clear you aren't playing with the full card pool just yet. Which is fine! There's no need to rush out and buy all the cards immediately if you aren't sure if it's worth it yet.

That said, I think you should think a bit about what you want this deck to do. See, most corp decks in Netrunner can be called "horizontal" or "vertical".

A "horizontal" deck focuses on playing out lots of expensive-to-trash assets, usually without ICE protecting them. This puts the runner in a hard place; they can pay through the nose to trash your stuff, or they can save their money, letting you pile on money. The disadvantage of this, though, is that there are cards like Bank Job that punish unprotected servers, and if the runner does trash your assets you can get outpaced (Whizzard is the expert at this, as is anyone running Scrubber).

A "vertical" deck, on the other hand, tends to play all their ice on a small number of servers (typically the three centrals, plus one major scoring remote.) These decks tend to rely a lot more on upgrades to make their scoring remote super expensive to get into, and then make the runner break in more than once using Red Herrings, Caprice Nisei, or Ash 2X3ZB9CY.

Your deck seems to be trying to do both. Shipment from MirrorMorph, PAD Campaign, and Marked Accounts all support a horizontal playstyle, but Experiential Data, Akitaro Watanabe, and Edge of World all benefit from having lots of ICE on a single server. Adonis Campaign is sort of both, but generally is played more in vertical decks, because you can heavily protect it and then put an agenda in after it finishes paying out.

I also would definitely drop the Private Security Forces in favor of Accelerated Beta Test. This deck only has one way to tag the runner (on Ichi) and it's pretty weak, meaning PSF is basically a blank 4/2, compared to ABT which is a 3/2.

You also won't take bad publicity unless you're playing against Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe, so why do you need Veterans Program? I would definitely drop all three of these for a third Priority Requisition, which lowers your agenda density and gives you two extra card slots to use. Or, since you're at 21 points, you could drop the three of them for a Project Vitruvius instead, which is even easier to score.

Also, Research Station is almost never worth playing outside of Grail ice decks. Hand size is simply not that useful for a corp.