Built to Startup ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

Bl4nk3t 622

Invest in this deck - since the thing is with Space Agendas - they only go up ๐Ÿš€ .

This deck came in 2nd in the Berlin Starts Noch Upper event using the Startup Card Pool.

What do we need to make it big as a corp? Well, obviously there are the tried and true methods - but can we go beyond?

Of course we can! With Weyland(TM)'s diversified portfolio in the fields of Law Enforcement, Cyber Security and of course Interplanetary Monetization.

With highly optimized database storage and carefully chosen real estate our goals can be met surprisingly fast.

Even if earth side security will sometimes need a little hardening.

Finally - the public relations angle is arguably the most important.

A thing of beauty, isn't it?

18 May 2021 Longi

Hey, like the deck. I have not found my corp in start-up format yet so I will give this a try.

18 May 2021 Watzlav


21 May 2021 g4rr3t

The deck looks great! But the description shines like if Ellie Mills wrote it.

4 Oct 2021 5N00P1

I really think this deck is a hidden gem. I played it a bunch and it won me a lot of games and the one where I lost where very close.

4 Oct 2021 Bl4nk3t

glad you like it @5N00P1
this weekend it didn't do so well for me, but all losses were incredibly close (with the exception of when I played your formidable Loup - against whom it really is important to have a decent start in a somewhat defensible position - circumstances I was not blessed with in our match)

4 Oct 2021 Bl4nk3t

PS: the most disappointing card on the weekend was Ballista, but I would still keep it in just for the fact that it is a Sentry which can potentially end the run withoud the need to sacrifice an agenda ^_^

4 Oct 2021 Bl4nk3t

PS: the most disappointing card on the weekend was Ballista, but I would still keep it in just for the fact that it is a Sentry which can potentially end the run without the need to sacrifice an agenda ^_^