[SG+SU21] Fast Advance Hub

PreNic 343

This deck is only based on System Gateway and System Update 2021. I would suggest to play this after practicing a little bit with the Starter Deck.

A few notes on the deck:

  • The strategy of the deck is to score agendas in the same turn in which they are installed; to achieve that we have SanSan City Grid and Biotic Labor. With SanSan City Grid you can Install/Advance/Advance/Score a 3/1 or 3/2 agenda; Biotic Labor gives you an extra click, so that you could I/A/A/A/S in the same turn. You could even use a Biotic Labor and then I/A/A/A/S a 4/2 in the same server of SanSan City Grid.

  • Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center will reward you for creating a new remote, and that's the reason why we have so many assets and ices. In an average game, you will have one scoring server with at least couple of ices (where SanSan City Grid normally goes) and some other remote servers with only one ice, used to protect your assets.

  • Marilyn Campaign, PAD Campaign, Regolith Mining License are a big part of your economy. While you could install PAD Campaign unprotected, I would normally try to install Marilyn Campaign and Regolith Mining License behind a single ice with "End the run".

  • Daily Business Show is a great tool because it gives you a lot of control on the cards that you draw: sometimes it allows you to hide an agenda at the bottom of the deck, to avoid being flooded, sometimes it allows you to find the agenda that you need to close the game. This must be protected because it is something that is otherwise trashed on sight.

  • Most of your ice are able to "End the run". You can try to score an early 3/1 or 3/2 agenda behind Palisade/Ping/Enigma at the beginning of the game. Just be aware that tools like Botulus and Inside Job exist.

  • Pop-up Window is a very small tax for the runner and more that than is a nice source of credits. I normally use it on HQ or R&D, depending of what I imagine the runner will target most.

  • Tollbooth is here to tax and can be a tool to discourage multiple runs on R&D or to make a run on your scoring remote quite expensive. The runner will try to trash the SanSan City Grid in the scoring remote: with 3 on Tollbooth plus the breaking cost and the 5 to trash SanSan City Grid this will require some commitment.

  • Archer is always a painful encounter and since we have License Acquisition to immolate to the cause and even a Send a Message for a free rez... why not?

  • License Acquisition is really nice combined with SanSan City Grid. Being a 3/1 you can score it in one turn with Biotic Labor and it will allow you to get a free rezzed SanSan City Grid from either Archives or HQ. You can also use it to reuse an economy asset if required.

Mulligan: Hedge Fund is nice to have but if you don't find it you could also keep an hand with an economy asset plus an ice to protect it.