Tzane 15

Corp deck I took to the 2023 Fin+Baltics Nationals with 2-1 (+Bye).

I played a deck similar to this and Scorched Sea, but couldn't quite get it to work as well as I liked. When Salvo Testing came out with TAI, I thought to my self "surely it will work this time"...

And work it did quite well. I played this in a couple of game night before the Nats with really good success and my only loss in the tournament was to jinsei.

The game plan was to get in some core damage either Salvo Testing or with ID ability. Then you could either try a scoring victory with Ontological Dependence or flatlining the runner with Distributed Tracing + End of the Line.

Ice suite is nothing special, selected for stopping the runner early game for cheap.

Scattered Thoughts on the Card Selection

False Lead

I was a bit on the edge about False Lead but it ended up being a really good tool for forcing the runner to take some core damage from ID ability or stop the runners turn when ever there is a kill window.

Seamless Launch

Good for disguising agendas as NGOs with install+single advance. Also, saves a bit of money on advancements.

Oppo Research

Felt a like a good card in the building stage and I had the influ to spare so I though why not? I haven't played this card once in a game so due to money being so tight and Distributed tracing worked just as well. I would probably switch this for some kind of econ card.


Actual banger, takes 5 cr to break with Carmen for a 3 cr rezz cost, so I might slot in a 3rd one.

1 Oct 2023 Fanakito

My favorite deck of the tournament. Didn't play against it but saw it played and I really liked the concept.