Takin' Out the Trash (7th in Swiss @ Oz East Nats [4-0])

dasher 161

So, funny story…

Here is the list that did the vast majority of the heavy lifting (i.e. 4-0) to propel me to 7th place in swiss at the Australian East Nats (my Runner list is here). It is the first cut that I have ever made in a Netrunner tournament since I started playing 10 years ago…

… then I had to drop out of the cut because I was going on holidays with my family the next day.

I had been joking with the Sydney Crew in the lead-up to the tournament that this was obviously what was going to happen given that I could not play the second day. In real life however, I had never expected that it would actually happen. That being said, I am not too disappointed at not being able to play in the cut. I am still more in shock that I actually made the cut to begin with, but still proud that I was able to achieve it.

Before I continue, I must give the Sydney Crew (otherwise known as the Sydney Android Union) a shout-out for the support, and more correctly, patience for putting up with all my jank. As the Sydney Crew will confirm, I am far more well-known for my jank, than my actual ability to play the game. A special shout-out to @inactivist, @rjorb, @locke, and @chickenslayer for the words of encouragement. Plus a double shout-out to @inactivist for running an amazing tournament.

As for the list…

When I first started playing Netrunner, Jinteki was the Corp that I just could not get my head around. All these traps and second (and third) lines of play. As a result, I rarely played them, but then one day FFG release a card. That card was Mushin No Shin… and the flood gates opened. All these lines and ideas flooded into my head, and I started home brewing stupid and janky Jinteki decks like crazy.

This, however, is not one of those decks.

At its core is an idea that I saw in a startup deck posted by @ArminFirecracker: You don't want run to Archives

I loved the basic concept, so I looked at what I could do with it in Standard – basically to make it impossible (as possible) for the Runner to steal an agenda without dying – unless they sniped it off R&D. The result is what you see before you.

The plan is to make Archives a very unappealing proposition for the Runner by dumping Fujii Asset Retrieval’s there, plus a Daniela Jorge Inácio and Hokusai Grid. Front Company is there for extra flavour by making the Runner have to run a different Central and spend down their credits before running Archives – unless they want to take the extra 2 meat. The Hostile Architecture makes trashing the protective assets as unattractive to the Runner as possible. You then ice up a scoring server with Data Loops (lowkey, the MOST useful ice that was ever printed for Jinteki) and Anemone to keep the Runner out and allow you (ideally) to score out a Regenesis and adding a Fujii to your score area for a 4-point turn. The Daniela can also be used to protect your scoring remote, and the extra Hokusai on the Hostile can be amusing.

On the day the deck scored out twice and got two kills. I found it a very fun deck to play, as most people wonder what the hell you are doing when playing around Archives.

2 Oct 2023 Council

Love is love. Excellent deck!

2 Oct 2023 bluestar

Cool to see someone figured out the Front company asset deck. I'm looking forward to trying this out.

3 Oct 2023 Inactivist

Ecstatic with your result, and so glad we got to get Dasher Bullshit onto the national stage where no-one was quite prepared for it. Next stop Worlds 2025 and forcing them to bring back Film Critic as your champ card.