Wolf Down The Earth (4th @ Adelaide CO)

gloompunk 23

First of all, you will eat all the bodies

The deck that carried me to 4th at the Adelaide CO. A horrible, horrible continuation of jan tuno's Grudge Work but with holo recoco bullsh*t

If you have played or played against any Grudge style deck, you probably know what the gameplan is: keep the runner busy with must trash assets, punish them for trashing, cycle your agendas back to RND (and get some money for it), and then when ready, get the holo lad out and start loading up up a recoco. If the runner decides to run it, kill them with Urtica. If they don't, kill them with Clearinghouse.

On the day, it is honestly what got me to top 4. The two problems I ran with it were:

1) Getting blindsided by direct access of all things

2) Getting bodied by the deck shuffle as my opponent Maker's eyed me and stole 3 agendas off the top of RND

Despite that, I'm still pretty content with how I did, especially since I've never done well at competitive events before.

Big, big, big thank yous to all my friends who helped me out, not just in fine tuning this...thing, but also helping me improve as a player. In particular, I want to thank the APAC Microbrewers crew, who were also some of the first victims, Styx, kyraWNY, tamijo, and jan tuno for being so so supportive and giving me really good advice. And lastly, my partner, for convincing me to put in the Uritcas. So blame them, not me.

I'm going to take a break from netrunner now, but only a small one :P

5 May 2024 HaverOfFun

Hell yeah! super nice job with this beast of a deck! to more flatlines in the future! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ