"Ethical" Free Range Meta (1st & Undefeated @ Naarm CO)

F3nr1s 244

It’s Lat’s World and we’re just living in it. Watching Sokka dominate the North American scene I knew I’d have to join the bandwagon someday, and it’s absolutely as cracked as I was led to believe.

This deck is essentially the same shell Sokka refined into My Comfort Pick with two changes. I slotted a Bahia Bands instead of a Build Script as I feel it was more versatile, and I cut the Telework Contract for Burner. Cutting the already limited economy of the deck sounds like a mistake, but Burner should have a slot. I know Lats have an aversion to Burner because it can interfere with your Lat Draw, but Burner is worth that card, there are so many decks that can’t handle you bottoming their important operations. I'm not playing Clot because There Was No Fast Advance At Worlds, so I figured it wasnt gonna be at a local CO.

I prefer Aniccam to the newer Swift decks that have been popping off. I found that I wasn’t losing games because I was unable to Deep Dive, but because I didn’t have economy or was getting flatlined. Aniccam helped with both of those and also gave me more free influence for Hannah and a second Revolver.

Thanks to everyone for the games! And an apology to CR4TER who was first to believe that I could win Nationals and who was undefeated this CO until he was paired against me.

20 Nov 2024 CR4TER

I will get you one day. But thanks for the match and crushing my dreams. 🫡👍