Built To Go Fast (Startup)

JohnnyMilton 1052

Zoom zoom.

31 Mar 2021 Kobayashi

Maybe [[Sprint]] instead of Predictive Planogram? And do you need Digital Rights Management with that many agendas that are all worth scoring?

Thank you for sharing!

2 Apr 2021 JohnnyMilton

@KobayashiReally great questions, and those seem like you easy changes to make if you prefer. If you were going to sub in Sprint, I'd probably swap one for a DRM. The Planograms are incredible, since they offer the flexibility of being either money or draw, kinda like Wall to Wall! That's the greatest strength of this deck - ambivalence, If you need money or cards, or a stronger piece of ICE, you have tools and an ID that support whichever angle you need for a better board state. And the DRMs are really for Hostiles, once you've managed to stick a Data Vault for a turn, or to bait a run with an Oaktown, since you wind up so very cash positive for the turn. Even the mere threat of Archers being online can be enough to get you a scoring window. And Wall to Wall lets you pretend they're something else! Plan to score both Hostiles; one for an Archer, and one for the win!

2 Apr 2021 34Witches

Have you considered Cyberdex Sandbox at all? I've been running a similar deck, and I've found the purge-on-score to be quite helpful (buys time vs Conduit)

I've also found Government Subsidy and Wall to Wall to be quite bad (By the time I get to 10 I don't usually need much more money, and W2W is hella slow). Perhaps it's different when you're running Corporate Troubleshooter and Pharos?