Home Renovation

Benjen 726

Totally untested, but here's the idea:

Dump as much of the Runner's stack into the heap and remove it from the game. This is done primarily by advancing the hell out of an Underway Renovation and then sneaking out a Chronos Project or two. For those mathy types, 2 advancements = 2 cards. 5 = 7. 8 = 13. You pull that off once or twice and you have done some serious damage.

Also, should you manage to rush out the Utopia Fragment first, the Underway Renovation will become nearly impossible to steal.

Use the threat of Scorched Earth, even though you don't have it, to scare the runner into not running the agenda you keep advancing.


Not sure about the ICE. Not sure about the PAD Campaign. Those are for extra cash and to sneak out a Chronos Project. I welcome any feedback. I love the face up agendas and want to find something that makes them be awesome.

The Root is there so you don't have to spend money on the advancing.

3 Jul 2015 tiedyedvortex

I'm not convinced that Government Takeover is the right call here. See, because Underway Renovation is public, and you want to leave it on the table as long as possible, it's extremely likely that the runner will steal it. It's a 1-pointer, which isn't a huge deal in a typical agenda spread, but if you have GT in your deck then suddenly you have to defend your centrals like crazy or they could see GT and win.

I would recommend taking out the Punitives and GT. Most runners will install their Plascretes against Blue Sun, which basically makes them useless since you don't have any hardware removal. Go full vegan, as they say.

Also, why Reclamation Order over Archived Memories? Do you expect to be redrawing your burst econ that much?

I would consider adding Ice Wall. If you're going to try to rush out Utopia Fragment, then having some dirt cheap ETR ice besides Meru Mati to throw onto a remote server could be useful, and then late game you can use Root credits to boost it up to scary strong without spending money.

4 Jul 2015 thesm17

I've tried this idea (also without almost any testing) out of GRNDL using Exposé and illicit ice. Checkpoint over your Underway Renovation? You want to steal 1 point for 3 meat damage? That makes me happy.

(My deck if you want to look.)

4 Jul 2015 Benjen

Great suggestions.

Almost immediately after posting, I took out Reclamation Order and put in Blue Level Clearance.

I like the Ice Wall paired with The Root.

I think it would be nice to put some more dangerous ice that trashes stuff, I'm just not sure what. Checkpoint could work but here is my thinking: I run a remote that I know has Underway Renovation in it. I could either lose 3 cards from my hand or potentially another 6 from my stack. I suppose you have to go get the agenda. I wonder if that makes an argument for Midseason Replacements and Scorched Earth?

But I like the idea of going vegan. If you mill out their deck, it is kind of like a "soft scorch."