Laughing Quetzal; Hidden Angeda

Crauseon 95

Quetzal is a jovial lass. She has a knack for humour, and really likes to share the laughter.

Too bad she really laughs best at the things she's the most efficient wrecking, mauling and decimating. That said, she's been the one laughing last for quite some games now.

This is my [insert] Quetzal; Hidden Agenda 1.0. The first idea was Crouching Quetzal, with stealth breakers for fun, but lets' face it: Anarchs aren't really the stealth faction.

What they do well is destroy stuff though.

Parasite recursion is as strong as ever, even though a bit slow. Clone Chip helps, but there's a limited quantity to them. Parasites make Quetzal laugh in the face of small ICE like Rototurret and Quandary.

Quetzal gets the best kicks out of facing Blue Sun and other Weyland identities. Our laughing lass has had worse than some Punitive Countersrikes, and she makes Scorched Earth into a joke. The best lip is her hidden Knives at a rezzed Hadrian's Wall waiting to be cashed in by Blue Sun. e3 Feedback Implants make sure there's few barriers Quetzal gives a damn about.

Her problem is money, and thus speed. I tried a single Wanton Destruction, but went for Injecting more stims instead to add on the speed.

Will take this up for Store championships 8.3. Test runs have been promising.