[TWA] Temujin Whizz- 13th and 17th Worlds 2016

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DonutTaganes 2548

Team TWA (Wilfy, Hollis and I) all played this deck at Worlds 2016.

The deck uses Temüjin Contract as its main economy, with John Masanori, Datasucker and Dirty Laundry as synergies.

  • Salsette Slums and Networking are key in the CTM matchup, and Networking has multiple synergies and applications (against SYNC for example).

  • Black Orchestra gives you an out to code gates when you are short on cards and can't afford to Faust/D4v1d everything, and the double Spooned was a response to Fairchild 3.0 and DNA Tracker, which can't be run through repeatedly.


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