German Nationals 2015 - 2nd place

Mythras 317

The deck that got me to 2nd place in the 2015 German Nationals. I had to run the full gauntlet:
- 2 qualifier tournaments at friday and saturday (about 45 players each and 6 rounds of swiss)
- the 32 player tournament on sunday with 5 rounds of swiss and top 8 double elimination

Overall 39 games of netrunner, 20 of those with Noise. Final record for Noise: 16-4
- vs. Butchershop: 2-2
- vs. FAstro: 6-0
- vs. HB: 3-0
- vs. Cambridge PE: 3-0
- vs. Grail Biotech: 1-1
- vs. RP: 1-1

As you can see I only dropped games to Butchershop, Biotech and RP. First loss was against Butchershop with Sea Source, SE, SE which got me to include I've had worse on saturday and sunday. There were a lot of NEHs and I think about half of them were of the Butchershop variant. On sunday that changed, still more than 50% of the field was NEH but more FAstros than Butchershops. 2nd loss against Butchershop was on the last round saturday, when I was already qualified for sunday and we had only 15 minutes for that game. I just played too fast and died on turn 7 oder 8 I think.
Against Biotech I found my Faust way too late and he was able to score out too fast. When I met him for the 2nd time on sunday I was able to win with a big R&D dig.
The grand final against RP started with a really bad draw after mulligan without Wyldside, Cache or Aesops and he drew all 3 sundews and a lot of cheap ICE. I was to able to kill the first sundews but sadly not the 3rd and he was able to run away with the game from that point on.

The list is fairly standard for the modern noise. On friday I had 2x Daily Casts and 1x Scheherazade instead of IHW but I think making that change was the right decision. IHW got me a win against Butchershop on saturday and made the 3 PE games a lot easier. Being able to survive a Komainu + House of Knives is awesome.
Lamprey also won me a game against PE where I was able to steal his 2 TFP while was at 0 credits from Lamprey. Clot or at least the threat of Clot slowed down the FAstros enough. Only one of the games against FAstro was really close. And sometimes you just have to toss 4 cards into Faust to get through Wraparounds.
I rarely actually used Datasucker because I sold it most of the time. I guess thats neccessary without any other economy in the deck.
IIRC I didnt install Mimic a single time in those 20 games. Maybe cutting that would be the correct decision.

17 Aug 2015 coyotemoon722

Congrats, the deck is sweet. I think I'm a bit behind on evaluating the power of some cards, but I'll give my opinion anyway. I feel that the deck is just too econ-light, and could use some type of econ besides cache and pawnshop. I don't see the value that everyone else does in Street Peddler. Maybe because I haven't played with it, but I just don't feel like it does much in many types of decks. I would take those out for econ, and maybe put in a Corroder for Wraparound.

17 Aug 2015 Mythras

The thing is that against most decks you just don't need money. With Faust your runs usually only cost you cards or you just trash the ICE with parasites. You never trash assets or upgrades with money, because you have 3 Imps and a lot of recursion.
Street Peddler is important for finding the 3 combo pieces (Aesops, Wyldside and Chronotype) and gives you a discount on to of the draw. It also puts other stuff into archives for you to recur. Street Peddler and Faust are the main reason I beat all 6 NEH Fast Advance decks I met this weekend. Especially because Street Peddler also combos so nicely with Clot. Every Street Peddler on the board means that NEH has to respect the threat of a Clot.
Normally I use d4v1d for Wraparounds. Besides Wraparound there is not much ICE in NEH that you need d4v1d for. It is just not worth it to include a Corroder in the deck for an ICE that I can also break with the stuff thats already in the deck.

18 Aug 2015 Jeffrey Bosboom

I don't think I've Had Worse is much help against Komainu with House of Knives. There's a paid ability window after the runner uses icebreakers (step 3.1 in the timing structure) where the corp can spend a House of Knives counter before the subroutines fire if the runner didn't break any. If the House of Knives damage hits the I've Had Worse, you'll survive, but otherwise Komainu will flatline you.

18 Aug 2015 Chron

@Jeffrey Bosboom Every damage Komainu does is on a separate subroutine, so they resolve one at a time. One of them will hit the I've Had Worse and then you'll draw.

18 Aug 2015 Jeffrey Bosboom

@Chron Ah, of course. Thanks for gracefully telling me to just read the card.

(If this were a Stack Exchange site I'd clean up my comment, but it doesn't seem you can do that here. Sorry for the noise.)

19 Aug 2015 BobAloVskI

@coyotemoon722Street Peddler is a solid card because it is a pseudo Diesel, mini Modded and Self-modifying Code-like card all rolled into one but it is in-faction for Anarch.

Sure there will be times when it doesn't help you but that can be said about many strong cards. As long as you are not running too many events (roughly < 1/3 of your deck), Street Peddler should help you more often than not.