Eaten By Chaos v0.2

vor_lord 194

Build Eater/Keyhole rig as quickly as possible using Shaper draw and tutors. Enough other tricks to have remote pressure. Magnum Opus for sustaining economy if things don't come together early.

All-nighter, Rachel Beckman, Amped Up are to get a lot of keyhole runs in a single turn. (I've always wanted to have Rachel with Magnum Opus.

Crescentus to serve kind of like the cutlery events, use 'em on your first Keyhole run to make the next one cheaper.

I'm dying to get Escher in the deck for the pure fun of it. Escher to rearrange R&D to be cheap, then Keyhole away. I had it in there, but really want to get the core pieces in place as quickly as possible.

Here's the dream turn part (though you'd never get it all):

13 Feb 2015 duckage

I'm liking the ZU.13 instead of the Cypher... whoever gave you that suggestion rules.