[Startup] Fast Azef to boost Clearinghouse

echephron 60

Do you want to kill runners with meat damage without touching Punitive Counterstrike?

I find that runners don't run a suspected Clearinghouse until it would kill them in one shot? Well you can add 2 damage to a clearinghouse with a fast advance Asef Protocol. That's about it. Add Cerebral Overwriter to make them easier to kill or more hesitant to run Clearinghouse.

Swappable cards include: Cayambe Grid for Malapert Data Vault. Argus crackdown is probably sub par maybe its better with Anemone. Wall to Wall? I find that the remote server is always full so I don't like it.

Swappable influence: 1-2 Cerebral Overwriter 0-2 Magnet Trick of light: you could make due with only 1 trick of light if you have 3 Malapert Data Vault Damaging ice, such as: Engram Flush Anemone