One Million Transactions

Sierra117 11

Thinking of taking this to a local tournament in a week, would welcome any suggestions/recommendations.

Going for a Punitive/Scorched kill deck, with plenty of transactions to keep the cash flowing. Executive Boot Camp is there to dig for Public Support, Jeeves and/or The Root.

Crisium Grid for Siphons and the rest is self explanatory I think.

Anyway, thoughts?

4 Apr 2017 willsta

I am going to be quite liberal with criticism here so don't take it too personally:

First off i would recommend that you change your ICE suite up considerably, you have a lot of 1 offs which will lead to really inconsistent results. I would reccomend sorting through your ice looking for the real VMPs and including them as 3 or 2 offs.

Agendas, you will likely see on the day why this suite has some flaws, but i get the impression that this is the heart and soul of the deck (punitive side anyway) and wont want to change it. Sadly it means you probably wont be able to go down the midseasons route very effectively (since they only need 2 agendas to win on average you will only get 1 chance to midseasons).

No idea why you want jeeves in this tbh... i would replace with jackson howards or blue level clearance or something. Public support and space camp are also unlikely to do work here (might be worth replacing with economy).

Operations are very solid, if you can add a couple of Consulting visits for mideseasons then do so otherwise, looks pretty good.

4 Apr 2017 Sierra117

@willsta, thanks a million for the comments. You're right, I hadn't considered the uselessness of Midseason Replacements.

I was on the fence myself with the ICE selection, I'll definitely switch it up a bit but, what are the real VMP's?

Also, physically I don't possess Jackson Howard or any of the Clearances, so I try to work around them. I could probably borrow some on the day, but I'm used to having neither and no Consulting Visit either.

I'll re-tweak and welcome further suggestions on the updated build.