CI7 Reborn (1st @ Neutral Grounds Philippines Regionals)

jrda25 24

Thank you@JuneCuervofor the first CI I've ever played and all the help & tips.

CI Reborn 1st US Nats

Thanks@profwackofor memorable back and forth games with Siphons & E-Strikes Andy.

Thank you Master@kookoobahfor everything since the beginning &
my favorite Regionals moment:

First-click Siphon ... (My swordsmen useless with MK in the bin)
14 creds, and 16 cards left in R&D,
I hit the Panic Button! 12x
Drew 12 cards, left 4 for the coming mill.
Last credit gets Siphoned. Click 2 Install DLR; Mill three.
I draw last card, Reuse a dozen to Biotic then
Combo out.

Thank you NetrunnerPH: Android Netrunner LCG Philippines Community!